10 Hacks Revealed - How to Get Cheap Car Insurance for Young Drivers

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*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.
Being an immature or young driver is one of the most terrifying things for many young people on the road. What’s even more terrifying is that, as per the statistics, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident and need to make a car insurance claim.

Due to this, car insurance premiums have continued to rise for young drivers in recent years, and 2019 is also a part of this trend. If you are looking for cheap car insurance in UAE for young drivers or car insurance for college students then you might get disappointed as insurance rates are very high for inexperienced drivers in the UAE.

However, while buying car insurance is unavoidable since it is compulsory to have car insurance for every vehicle owner as per the RTA law, you can lower the insurance premium significantly by using plenty of techniques outlined below.

1. Prefer Purchasing an Economical Car

If you are looking for cheap car insurance in UAE, you should purchase an economical car. The type of car you choose can have a huge impact on how much you pay for your car insurance. The sports car, luxury cars, and SUVs demand high car insurance premium, therefore, it might cost you a fortune, especially if you are interested in opting for a comprehensive car insurance policy. So, buy an economical car to save on your car insurance premium.

2. Install Anti-theft Gadgets

While UAE is one of the safest countries in the world, it is still very essential to ensure that your car is as risk-free as much it is possible. Hence, use simple hacks like install security devices and other anti-theft gadgets in order to lower the cost of your car insurance premium.

3. Reduce the Mileage

Car insurers might charge you more if you cover a high mileage. You know, why? Because they tend to believe that you are at great risk of getting involved in an accident and are more likely to reduce your car’s lifespan.

For instance, if you drive your car Dubai to Abu Dhabi on a daily basis, your car insurance premium could be higher. Reducing your mileage can help you find the cheap car insurance in UAE. In fact, some of the best car insurance companies also offer a low mileage discount if a car is driven for lower than the average number of miles per year.

4. Avoid the Modifications

Young drivers, especially male drivers are very excited to modify their cars to make them look more appealing and striking. But keep in mind that these car modifications might cost a fortune as your car insurance premium will go through the roof. So, avoid the car modifications if you want to save on your car insurance premium.

5. Add a More Experienced & Old Driver to Your Policy

Do you know that an experienced driver often gets better car insurance premium rates in comparison of young drivers, especially those who have had a bad driving record? Well, yes, you read it right. Car insurance companies consider the old and experienced driver safe drivers than young drivers.

So, if you are below the age of 25 or have not maintained a good driving record, it might be quite beneficial for you to ask an experienced driver, such as your parents or an older sibling to join your policy.  This is one of the best ways to get cheap car insurance in UAE if you are a young driver.

6. Take a Defensive Driving Course

Some of the best car insurance providers in the UAE offer a great discount for those young drivers who have successfully done an approved defensive driving course. But keep in mind that you directly ask the car insurer about that discount prior opting for a car insurance policy whether they offer a discount or not. And if they do so, it will definitely help you a lot on your car insurance premium.

7. Maintain a Good Driving Record

A car insurance company is going to offer an expensive premium to someone who has had 5 accidents in the past year than someone who has had one accident. You should aim to ensure that your no claim record is as incident free as much it is possible with minimal points on your driving license. As the majority of the car insurance companies check your driving record before giving a car insurance quote. Maintaining a good and incident-free driving record will definitely help you get cheap car insurance in UAE. 

8. Consider Third-Party Liability Insurance

Third-party liability insurance is a basic car insurance policy which is mandatory under the UAE RTA law. Thus, you are not legally allowed to drive your car on the roads of the UAE. This type of auto insurance policy is cheaper when compared to the comprehensive car insurance policy since it covers you against bodily injury or death to a third-party arising out of the use of the insured vehicle. This type of insurance policy does not cover the loss or damage to your own vehicle.
Well, it’s a great idea to consider third-party liability insurance policy if you want to give basic protection to your vehicle and save money on your car insurance premium.

9. Compare Different Car Insurance Quotes Online

There is a wide range of auto insurance providers in the UAE that offer car insurance policies at competitive rates. Comparing different car insurance quotes online based on their coverage, benefits, and the premium will allow you to ensure that you are getting the cheapest motor insurance policy for your vehicle.

10. Always Look For Discounted Offers & Deals

Some car insurance companies offer great discounts but keep in mind that if you don’t ask about them, you might not get it. For instance, if you have maintained a good driving record and did not make any claim in the preceding years of the insurance policy, you have a full right to ask for a No Claim Bonus. You should also check about other discounts if you have taken a defensive driving course.

In A Nutshell

You can find cheap car insurance in UAE for young drivers very easily if you use the above-mentioned techniques and keep your eyes open for great deals. As these hacks will definitely help you to save your money on your car insurance premium no matter how expensive car insurance has become these days.

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