5 Important Things to Include in your Year-end Fiscal List

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The end of the year is a reality check for most of us. The resolutions that we make at the beginning of the year are reflected in the form of results at this time of the year. Analyzing your finances is a crucial activity that needs to be carried out at the year-end. Reassessing and analyzing your finances and investments at the end of the year helps investors to improve their financial planning in Dubai.

Investors can make amendments that will help them to organize and enhance the overall financial health and investment portfolio. Although financial planning in Dubai should be in your checklist throughout the year but doing this at the year-end has immense importance. Doing this will help you to learn from your mistakes and make better plans that will allow you to build a corpus for your future.

This article will shed light on 5 important things that every investor should include in their year-end financial checklist.

Conducting a detailed financial analysis

Before you go ahead and make plans for the upcoming year you should lay emphasis on how the last year went. The final result of conducting a detailed analysis will help you to reach numeric figures that you were supposed to achieve and the net deviation that came into the picture. Once you are done with assessing your last year’s progress you can look for various reasons that caused the figures to deviate from the desired figure. This analysis will help to identify your current financial situation and the efforts that you’d need in order to reach your target.

Rebuilding the Structure of your Financial Model

Investors should not be following the same financial model every year. Experimenting with your existing financial model in order to improve the final result can be an alternate way to accomplish your long term financial goals.

Once you successfully review your performance in the last year you can sit down and work on various changes that would improve your financial well-being in the upcoming year. Revisiting and making changes in your existing financial portfolio will not show results overnight, however, with proper patience and planning, you will eventually reach your goal.

Recheck and Revise your Financial Goals and Expenditure

The key factor in the right approach to financial planning in Dubai is budgeting. Investors who haven’t worked on creating a well-structured budget should initially begin with creating a budget. For investors who have a proper budget in place, this is the right time to revisit it. As mentioned the year-end is the time when you get a reality check.

Investors can calculate their expenses and how much they have managed to save in the last year by honestly sticking to the budget. Investors can look up to their performance in the last year and analyze the scope of modifying their budget in order to reach their desired goal.

Investors should incorporate various factors that have potentially affected their budget in the last year. This might include unexpected expenses that arose, accumulated savings in the last year, Return on investments, loss on investments, outstanding debts, etc.

Your new budget should include all the factors. Investors should focus on creating a budget that is realistic and easy to follow in the long run; it should help and enhance the overall saving. Moreover, the budget should be planned in a way that allows investors to easily repay their debts without struggling to make ends meet.

Striking a Balance between Investments

Investments are vital for maintaining financial health. The end of the year is the ideal time to re-balance investment portfolios in terms of their performance. Investors can do this by writing down the numeric figures (principal amount, return, losses, expected returns, time frame) and review the existing strategy to improvise the performance of different securities. Once you are done with this you can make changes and re-align your investment tools for the coming year.

Investors should focus on adding diversity to their investment portfolio by including investment vehicles that are not closely related to each other. Investors can research and brainstorm to figure out which investment would best be suited for them based on their existing investment portfolio and financial situation.

Investors who have just stepped into the world of investment can consult financial advisors to make sure they are on the right track.

Get rid of Credit Cards Bills and other Outstanding Debts

If you have outstanding credit card debt or loans make it your priority to repay the amount as soon as possible. Late payments on credit cards can land you into a debt trap as the rate of interest charged by credit card providers is very high.

Investors who have outstanding debts and loans should manage expenses in such a way that they can make timely repayments to avoid any hassle. Paying back debts not only a financial burden but it also reduces the mental burden and offers peace of mind.


The year-end is the right time to revisit your financial performance in the last year, reflect on your achievements and accomplishments and identifying the scope of improvement. Year-end is ideal to rebuild financial plans that will help you to save for your twilight years.

With these important factors in consideration, you can improve your financial well-being in the coming year. Investors should keep looking for different areas where there is a requirement of improvement throughout the year, especially during the end of the year.

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