With a balance transfer credit card, you can manage your credit card debt better. When you transfer your existing credit card debt to a balance transfer card, you can often enjoy a lower interest rate for a specific time — usually several months. This means you can save money on interest payments and pay off your debt faster.
Let’s see the top balance transfer credit cards in the UAE along with their key features.
Balance Transfer Credit Cards — Salary Requirements
Check out the top credit cards along with their salary requirements —
Name of the Credit Card
Minimum Salary Requirements
First Abu Dhabi Bank — Low-Rate Credit Card
AED 10,000
First Abu Dhabi Bank — Du Titanium Credit Card
AED 5,000
Commercial Bank of Dubai — Visa Platinum Credit Card
AED 5,000
First Abu Dhabi Bank — SHARE Platinum Credit Card
AED 10,000
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank — Talabat ADCB Credit Card
Go through the list of cards and choose a suitable one.
Initiate its application.
Note: Once you submit the application form, one of our officials will review it and guide you through the next steps.
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