6 Tips to Stay Safe While Driving During COVID-19 Outbreak

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The entire world is in the grip of a serious health issue that has affected almost 3.2 million across the globe. The novel coronavirus aka COVID-19 was first reported in the city of Wuhan, China from where it spread globally killing approximately 0.2 million people worldwide. There is no vaccine or treatment discovered for the disease yet, therefore the best way to protect your life and in turn, other’s life is to stay safe at home. The disease has temporarily put a halt at all economic and business activities resulting in the development of a crisis in the world economy.

When it comes to the following lockdown most of the people are trying their best to stay at home as much as possible. However, there are times when one of the family members has to unwillingly step out to get groceries, health care products, and medicines. A lot of people working for essential service providers have to attend their office amid the pandemic which is a big issue. When people step out of their houses for going to work or getting groceries it is very important to take precautions while driving.

Now you must be wondering that what are the precautions one must take while driving during the coronavirus outbreak? How can we protect ourselves while taking a taking drive during a pandemic? To answer all your queries and to ensure that you are safe, secure, and healthy during a global health problem, we’ve come up with some important tips to follow while driving to protect yourself during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Limit Your Driving

This might appear really obvious and not a magic tip but in real-time, this is the most important tip. Higher the number of places you visit higher will be the probability of social interaction and thereby getting infected. On the other hand, the less you drive, the less will be the chances of getting infected. Limiting your driving and outdoor activities during the COVID-19 outbreak is probably the piece of advice you can get in terms of protecting yourself. If you are driving your personal car it is recommended that you should avoid stopping at multiple locations or shops to minimize the probability of social interaction and thereby getting infected. It is also crucial to carry all relevant documents while driving such as driving license, ID proof, car insurance dubai.

Be Careful at Gas Stations

Refueling your car might not appear to be a risky activity during the COVID-19 outbreak. According to a study based on samples from 20 different fueling stations, it was found that fuel pumps are prone to carrying 12 times more germs and pathogens than public restrooms. A lot of people use bare hands to refuel their vehicle which brings the pump trigger and nozzle in physical contact which can be an easy transmission site. People driving their cars in Dubai should be very careful while getting their cars refueled to make sure they are safe against the COVID-19 infection due to surface contact. People can wear gloves while touching the buttons, pumps, and other high-touch zones at the gas station to prevent physical contact with objects that might be infected.

Limit the Passengers

The risk of getting infected with the deadly novel coronavirus also increases with the number of passengers you travel with. When it comes to the risk factor personal cars are on the lower side but different passengers might increase the risk substantially. Vans and buses are more likely to carry infections in comparison to personal cars; hence one should prefer traveling in personal vehicles with valid documents and car insurance Dubai. Even while traveling in a personal car people should avoid sitting with multiple people and try to limit the number of passengers to only one. The passenger should be ideally seated at the back of the car to minimize the risk of infection.

Keep an Alcohol-based Sanitizer in your Car

One of the simplest ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection is cleaning hands with soap or an alcohol-based sanitizer. While driving it is recommended that you should keep a sanitizer in your car. Every time you touch a foreign object that may have came in contact with an infected person you should immediately clean your hands with the sanitizer. If police stop you during a visit to the grocery store or office asking for papers and car insurance Dubai you should clean your hands after they check and return your papers.

Disinfect your Car Regularly

In order to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection, it is very important to disinfect your car regularly. Focus on areas and sections of your car that are touched very frequently steering wheel, gear shifter, door handle, radio, seatbelt, and the dashboard. The dashboard is one of those sections of the car that carries the maximum number of pathogenic organisms. This is primarily due to the fact all the air in the car gets through the dashboard when it is circulating making the dashboard prone to hold micro-organisms that can cause infections like COVID-19 infection. To get rid of pathogens one should regularly sanitize and disinfect their car using strong alcohol-based cleaner/disinfectant.

Avoid Sharing your Car

It is advised one should avoid sharing their personal car/ or any other vehicle amid the coronavirus pandemic. Sharing results in unwanted physical contact that substantially increases the probability of getting infected. Even if you need to share your car make sure the person follows all safety precautions and carries all the valid documents like DL, ID proof, and car insurance Dubai.

In a Nutshell

The Coronavirus pandemic is getting severe day by day and it is our responsibility to stay updated with all the latest news and discoveries centered around the disease. The issue is global and requires mutual effort and support of each and every person to get quicker results. People should stringently follow the guidelines and advisories issued by the WHO and CDC to prevent the spread of the deadly disease.

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