Remember that the interest rates of the credit cards are one of the factors that can affect the debts and credit score respectively. Low-interest rates mean more savings and vice versa. Also, the late payments and outstanding bill of credit cards affect your credit score too. However, here we are going to discuss the best credit cards in UAE for those are with bad credit scores. One of the amazing perks of these credit cards is lower rate of interests, aiding to maintain your credit score well. Here we go:
With ADIB Cashback Visa Platinum Card, the cardholder can earn 1% cashback for every AED spent. However, this credit card has an annual fee of AED 1000. But the annual fee is chargeable from the second year as the credit card is free in the first year. The interest rate offered to the salary transfer and non-salary transfer cardholders may differ. The salary transfer cardholders have an interest rate of 2.99%, while the non-salary transfer cardholders have 3.09%.
Some of the benefits of the ADIB cashback visa platinum card include-
To apply for the ADIB cashback visa platinum credit card, an applicant must be 21 years of age. He/she should also have a minimum monthly income of AED 10,000.
Emirates NBD Go4it Platinum credit card is a unique credit card that comes with a transit chip built in it. The Go4it platinum card comes with an annual fee of AED 199. It also has an interest rate of 3.25% per month.
The benefits of this credit card include-
The applicant for Emirates NBD Go4it Platinum credit card must earn a minimum monthly salary of AED 10,000. He should also be of 21 years or above.
Similar to the Emirates NBD Go4it platinum credit card, this credit card also comes with a transit chip built in it. However, the annual fee of this credit card is AED 99. The interest rate is also similar to the platinum G04it credit card with 3.25% per month.
The benefits of the Emirates NBD Go4it gold credit card include-
To be eligible for Emirates NBD Go4it gold credit card cum RTA Nol card, the applicant must earn a minimum salary of AED 5000.
The Betaqti credit card is exclusively for UAE nationals. Cardholders receive 300,000 touchpoints as a welcome gift.
The rewards and benefits of the ADCB Betaqti credit card include-
The ADCB Betaqti credit card has an annual fee of AED 2100. The interest rate on this credit card is 2.50% per month.
The FAB Gold credit card is free for life. This credit card is one of the best free for life credit cards in the UAE. With this credit card, the cardholders earn 1.25 reward points for every single AED spent on domestic purchases. This credit card is interest-free for the 55 days.
The rewards and benefits of these credit cards are-
This credit card has an annual fee of AED 500. Meanwhile, the interest rate on this credit card is 3.25%.
The eligibility requirement of this credit card is a minimum monthly salary of AED 5000.
The Citibank Citi Prestige credit card offers reward points for every USD spent. International purchase gets 3 touchpoints and domestic purchase gets 2 touchpoints for every USD spent. The card members are also rewarded with 10,000 touchpoints after the annual fee is paid.
The rewards and benefits of Citibank Citi prestige credit card include-
The annual fee on the Citibank Citi Prestige card is AED 1500. It has an interest rate of 2.79% per month.
To be eligible for this card, the applicant must have a monthly earning of 30,000 AED.
With the FAB VISA infinite credit card, the cardholders can earn 2 stars for every single AED spent. The users also have access to international airport lounges. They are also offered complimentary insurance for multi-trips.
Other features and benefits of this credit card include-
This credit card is free for life. However, it has an interest rate of up to 3.25% per month.
To apply for this, the credit card applicant must have a minimum monthly earning of 30,000 AED.
Final Verdict
It would not be right to assume that these credit cards are the ideal options for improving bad credit score. The best credit cards in UAE have its limitations too. However, when it comes to improvising your credit score, above credit cards can help minimise the damage on your credit score.