Many credit card users worry about managing their increasing balances. The credit shield, a feature available with most credit cards, offers some relief.
This feature can be activated when you apply for a credit card in the UAE. Providing security to cardholders, credit card shield ensures that if you can't make a payment due to unforeseen events like job loss, business closure, or critical illness, the insurance or bank steps in.
Before moving on to the top banks that provide this feature, let’s first understand how credit shield works in UAE.
As mentioned earlier, credit shield is an optional insurance program offered by financial institutions for credit cards. Under unfortunate circumstances, the cardholder's dues are taken care of with this feature.
In simple terms, the insurance provider or bank covers your monthly card balance installments if you face involuntary circumstances like job loss or business closure, as per the card provider's terms. Some companies extend this coverage for up to 12 months or until you secure a new job.
Check out the major benefits covered under this feature -
For credit card users, it's crucial to understand the credit shield options provided by their respective banks.
Here is a list of the top banks that offer credit shield insurance -
Bank | Credit Shield Premium — Amount or Percentage of the Outstanding Credit Card Balance (per month) | Insurance Provider |
ADCB | 1.0395% | Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company (ADNIC) |
HSBC | 0.6% | MetLife Alico |
Emirates NBD | 0.99% | National General Insurance |
Citibank | 0.82% | MetLife Alico |
Finance House | Higher of AED 11 or 0.85% | Emirates Insurance Company |
RAKBANK | 0.85% | Union Insurance Co. |
Detailed below are the general eligibility criteria for credit card shield -
Here are the documents required for credit card shield insurance -