While traveling and exploring diverse places is mostly enjoyable, one cannot discard the possibility of unforeseen happenings clouding your domestic or international travel. In such cases, travel insurance proves immensely beneficial by serving as a security plan to safeguard your financial interests. Moreover, travel insurance includes coverage for the loss of your luggage and a plan to address medical emergencies.
If you wish to optimise your travel experience and make the most of that vacation or staycation, check out the world-class travel insurance plans offered by GIG Gulf travel insurance Dubai.
Why You Should Choose GIG Gulf Travel Insurance UAE?
GIG Gulf, one of the world’s oldest insurers, is widely recognized for offering innovative and bespoke insurance solutions. Travel insurance from GIG Gulf comprehensively secures your trip by offering travel accidents and inconveniences coverage for both domestic and international trips. Here are a few vital reasons to choose GIG Gulf Travel Insurance.
GIG Gulftravel insurance provides high travel medical coverage at an affordable price.
You get global coverage for any trip of up to 90 days.
The insurance plan secures you against trip cancellation and curtailment.
As there is always a chance of losing your luggage during a trip, you get complete security of your baggage loss and delays with GIG Gulf travel insurance.
Travelling abroad can make you prone to contracting COVID-19. However, GIG Gulf travel insurance covers you against COVID-19 infection including the expenses related to the 14-day mandatory quarantine.
The comprehensive coverage plan secures you and your family, your baggage and belongings, and grants you personal liability coverage against vulnerabilities.
As an GIG Gulf insurance policyholder, you get 24-hour assistance for travel insurance claims and resolution of queries.
You get instant coverage as soon as you buy the travel insurance plan.
Features and Benefits of GIG Gulf Travel Insurance UAE
GIG Gulf Travel Insurance is a popular travel insurance provider in Dubai and the rest of the UAE. Considering the demands of travelers from all segments, GIG Gulf has designed travel security plans suiting their protection requirements comprehensively. Its plans cover all the aspects of a traveler’s needs by providing coverage for the following.
Losing Personal Baggage, Money, and Passport
When you are travelling from one place to another, the security of your baggage, passport, and money is of significant concern. If you lose any of the items, your travel experience can turn abysmal and strenuous. GIG Gulf Travel insurance safeguards your luggage, money, and passport by providing financial cover, which ensures that you don’t end up losing money or face any significant issues.
Delay in Receiving Baggage
While travelling, many people prefer to keep their money and cards in their bags. In such cases, even the slightest of delays in receiving the baggage may cost you. If there is any delay of 4 hours or more, GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai and the rest of the UAE will cover you for any emergency purchase of essential items like clothing, toiletries, and medication.
Owing to mechanical difficulties, weather problems, or any other reasons, your flight’s departure may be delayed, which may cause severe inconvenience and financial losses. In case of a delay of 6 hours or more, GIG Gulf travel insurance will cover the additional cost of availing of various facilities while waiting at the airport.
Urgent Medical Expenses
If you meet an unfortunate accident while travelling, GIG Gulf travel health insurance UAE will cover you against any bodily injury. Moreover, the insurance will also take care of your medical expenses in case of any illness. They will also arrange transportation to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment on your trip. You can easily contact the provider in such emergencies, with the GIG Gulf Travel Insurance assistance team available 24/7 around the world to take care of your medical needs while travelling.
COVID-19 Cover
GIG Gulf provides you with cover for any COVID-19 related emergencies that may emerge while travelling. GIG Gulf travel insurance dubai and the UAE extend cover for any epidemic/pandemic, and COVID-19 related medical emergencies. In case you contract COVID-19 on your trip, GIG Gulf travel insurance uae will pay for the disease-related expenses in any country except the country where the trip originated.
Claims Round the Clock
GIG Gulf understands that difficulties on your trip may arise at any time and that you should not have to wait to raise the claims whenever you face any problem. GIG Gulf travel insurance UAE does that by allowing you to raise claims 24/7. For assistance on GIG Gulf Travel Insurance, you can call +971 44294003. They also provide immediate medical assistance in the GCC (Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, UAE) any day of the year from a healthcare professional of your choice.
Extensive Protection
With GIG Gulf Travel Insurance, you receive coverage for your family, belongings, travel arrangements, etc.
GIG Gulf travel insurance has a high claim satisfaction rate which makes it an obvious choice for purchasing travel insurance. With superior customer care and an easy process of filing claims, the prompt and precise reimbursements provided by GIG Gulf offer you peace of mind.
Instant Cover
In case you need to instantly activate your GIG Gulf travel insurance UAE, you can find assistance at GIG Gulf customer care at 800 GIG Gulf(UAE). You can also visit your nearest GIG Gulf office to activate the insurance.
Wide Hospital Networks
GIG Gulf has partnered with several hospitals around the globe to provide you with support for your medical needs. With such a wide network of hospitals, you receive a direct billing facility that saves you from the hassle of filing claims.
Best Travel Insurance Online
Here is a comprehensive list of cheap travel insurance online plans in UAE :
GIG Gulf has developed several travel insurance plans to meet your travel-related needs. These plans are designed according to the location of your travel to provide you with maximum benefits:
Inbound Travel
Inbound Travel Plus
Travel Schengen
Travel Smart
Travel Family
Inbound Travel
The travel inbound is a compact GIG Gulf travel health insurance plan providing you mandatory health cover on your stay when you are travelling within the Gulf Cooperation Council, i.e., Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. However, while this insurance will cover your medical bills in case of an injury or illness, it doesn’t cover the loss of luggage or flight cancellation.
Inbound Travel Plus
Travel Inbound Plus plan of GIG Gulf travel insurance is a more comprehensive plan that not only offers you mandatory medical cover but also safeguards your financial interests in case of loss of baggage or flight cancellation when you are travelling within the GCC. As an added advantage, the travel inbound plus plan also covers adventure sports.
Travel Inbound vs Travel Inbound Plus
While GIG Gulf Inbound travel insurance plans only cover Emergency medical treatment, emergency transportation, repatriation of mortal remains, and cancellation or curtailment, GIG Gulf Inbound Plus travel insurance plan also adds cover for delayed departure, delayed baggage, loss of money, loss of passport, and adventure sports.
Here is a comparison of coverage for Inbound and Inbound plus:
Inbound and Inbound plus for the UAE and Qatar
Inbound (in AED)
Inbound Plus (in AED)
Emergency medical treatment
150,000 (Inpatient only)
150,000 (In and Out-Patient)
Emergency Transportation
Repatriation of mortal remains
Cancellation of curtailment
Up to 5,000
Delayed Departure each completed 12 hours
Between 50 and 750
Delayed Baggage
Up to 750
Personal Baggage and money
Up to 10,000
Loss of passport
Up to 1,500
Adventure sports
Please note that an excess of AED 400 will be applied for every claim on personal baggage, money, and loss of passport.
Inbound and Inbound plus for Bahrain and Oman
Inbound (in AED)
Inbound Plus (in AED)
Emergency medical treatment
150,000 (Inpatient only)
150,000 (In and Out-Patient)
Emergency Transportation
Repatriation of mortal remains
Cancellation of curtailment
Delayed Departure each completed 12 hours
Between 5 and 75
Delayed Baggage
Up to 750
Personal Baggage and money
Up to 1,000
Loss of passport
Up to 150
Adventure sports
Travel Schengen Countries
A Schengen country is a part of the Schengen area, which is defined as an area in Europe consisting of 26 countries that have mutually dissolved the provision of requiring a separate passport for travelling from one country to another within Europe. If you are visiting any Schengen country, you are required to purchase travel insurance for Schengen visa countries. These countries include:
Czech Republic
When you visit these countries, GIG Gulf Travel Schengen Insurance provides you with a travel insurance certificate that allows you immediate access to your Visa. GIG Gulf Travel Schengen, providing insurance provides claims in Euros, has its covers include:
Emergency Medical Expenses
EUR 40,000
Emergency Dental Care
EUR 750
Emergency Medical Transportation
EUR 30,000
Repatriation of the mortal remains of the insured person
EUR 5,000
Note: An excess of USD 100 is applicable for each claim on emergency medical expenses and emergency dental care.
Travel Smart
For travel to other countries, GIG Gulf provides the Travel Smart plan which is the most comprehensive travel plan offered by the company covering multiple issues you may face while travelling. From premature return to legal assistance to the visit of a close relative, the GIG Gulf Travel Smart plan provides you a complete cover for all your travel needs.
Emergency medical expenses
USD 1,000,000
Emergency dental care
USD 1,000
Emergency medical transportation
Varies according to the company’s policy
Repatriation of other insured persons
USD 10,000
Repatriation of mortal remains
USD 10,000
Premature return (death of close relative)
Economy Ticket
Visit of close relative
Economy Ticket
Cost of first aid and/or rescue
USD 20,000
Personal liability
USD 1,000,000
Legal assistance in case of redress
USD 4,000
The advance of bail bond (refundable)
USD 10,000
Cancellation or curtailment
USD 5,000
Delayed departure after 6 hours
Up to USD 500
Delayed baggage
USD 250
Personal baggage and personal money
USD 5,000
Loss of passport
USD 500
Personal accident
USD 27,500
Travel Family
As the name suggests, a Travel family plan is a travel insurance plan for your family. When you are going on a trip with your family members, you actually require travel insurance for each member. With the GIG Gulf Travel Family plan, you are spared the need of purchasing a separate travel insurance plan for everyone.
You can simply purchase a travel family plan which will cover your entire family for the trip. Some of its benefits include the following.
Emergency Medical Expenses
USD 60,000
Emergency dental care
USD 1,000
Emergency medical transportation
USD 60,000
Repatriation of other insured persons
USD 5,000
Personal Liability
USD 100,000
Delayed Departure after 6 hours
Up to USD 500
Personal Baggage
USD 2,000
USD 1,500
USD 400
Personal Accident
USD 27,500
Loss of Passport
USD 350
It is essential to note that the coverage mentioned above is for each family member as listed in the family plan.
Add-ons for GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai
While most of the insurance plans outlined above are sufficient for a majority of problems usually faced in travel, several things are not covered in your regular travel insurance like terrorism and cover for sports and adventure. Determined to protect you from misfortunes suffered due to participation in sports or being a victim of an act of terrorism, GIG Gulf Travel Insurance brings you special add-ons for your insurance to provide you maximum protection.
Sports and Adventure
Adventures indeed have their thrill! As is often said, nothing stimulates your mind and body like trekking in the wild. At the same time, it should be considered that while some adventures are relatively safer, others involve risks that may threaten your finances and life. To secure you against such risks, GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai and the UAE provides the option of additional sports and adventure cover to your travel insurance plan. This would cover you against Adventure sports, water sports, trekking, safari, etc., so that nothing can come between you and your pursuit of adventure. It covers the cost of first aid and rescue.
Protection against terrorism
When you purchase additional cover on GIG Gulf travel insurance Dubai and the UAE, you receive protection against terrorism. The company protects you against any injury, loss, or damage incurred upon you as an innocent bystander by an act of terrorism with a cover of up to USD 100,000.
Who is Eligible to Purchase GIG Gulf Travel Insurance UAE?
If you are aged 65 or less, you are eligible to purchase Inbound Travel or Inbound Travel plus insurance. Moreover, even if you have purchased a 6-month multi-trip cover and you turn 66 during the duration of the policy, your insurance cover will continue until the date of expiry or cancellation of the policy. Any visitor to the GCC can be insured for any GCC country except the country of their residence.
On the other side, the Travel Smart policy is available only to people aged 70 or less. Similarly, if you have opted for an Annual multi-trip and you have reached 71 during the period of insurance, the cover will continue till the expiry date or cancellation of the policy. Any UAE National can purchase Travel Smart Insurance, and a coverage of 50% is provided for children aged less than 16.
GIG GulfTravel Insurance Inclusions
Different travel plans include different facilities:
GIG Gulf Inbound Travel Plan includes only medical expenses while travelling and repatriation of mortal remains.
GIG Gulf Inbound Travel Plus Plan includes not only medical expenses and repatriation of mortal remains, but also travel inconvenience, loss, damage, or theft of belongings, and adventure sports.
GIG Gulf Travel Schengen Plan covers your Medical expenses, emergency dental care emergency, and cost of repatriation of mortal remains while travelling to Schengen countries only.
GIG Gulf Travel Smart Plan covers medical expenses, travel inconvenience, dental care, personal accident, loss, damage, or theft of belongings, visit of close relatives, repatriation of mortal remains, and personal accident.
GIG Gulf Family Plan covers medical expenses, loss, damage, or theft of belongings, travel inconvenience, and repatriation of mortals.
GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Exclusions
GIG Gulf Travel Insurance dubai plans have some general exclusions like:
GIG Gulf doesn’t cover medical expenses not approved by GIG Gulf
Doesn’t provide cover in the country of residency
None of the GIG Gulf Travel Insurance dubai plans cover the cost of cosmetic surgery, physiotherapy, plastic surgery, pregnancy, prosthetics, pre-existing condition
Any infection acquired directly or indirectly due to HIV or any HIV-related illness
Sexually Transmitted Disease, solvent abuse, alcoholism, self-inflicted injury, the use of drugs, self-exposure to a needless peril
Work of any kind undertaken during the holiday
Wear and tear, depreciation, mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement, theft not reported to policy within 24 hours of the incident
Any consequence of war and terrorism-related risks
Any dangerous activity or sports undertaken during the travel
*Different policies may have specific exclusions as per the norms and guidelines of GIG GulfTravel Insurance
Please note that protection against adventurous sports and terrorism can be purchased separately.
How Should I Choose an GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai Plan?
Before applying for GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai or the UAE, getting a related quote can prove quite beneficial. An excellent way to discover such quotations is to visit the GIG Gulf travel insurance webpage or policybazaar.ae. If you select the former, here’s what you need to do to find personalized quotations on the GIG Gulf webpage:
Click on ‘buy now'
Select the country of residence and destination and click on next
Enter departure and return date
As per your time and location, GIG Gulf will display the most suitable insurance plans for you
GIG Gulf also provides flexible travel insurance plans that let you choose the period of your travel insurance. Here are the prices according to the duration for Inbound and Inbound Plus:
Inbound (AED/QAR)
InboundPlus (AED/QAR)
15 days
22 days
30 days
60 days
90 days
6 months
Inbound (AED/QAR)
Inbound Plus (AED/QAR)
15 days
22 days
30 days
60 days
90 days
6 months
These prices exclude VAT.
You can also find the quotation for the best GIG Gulf Travel Insurance plans at policybazaar.ae.
Enter your details, the country you wish to visit, dates, your age, and details of family members travelling, if any.
Enter your mobile number, email address, and full name.
Click on ‘get free quotes’.
How to Apply for GIG Gulf Travel Insurance?
You can easily apply for purchasing GIG Gulf Travel Insurance offline or online. If you want to purchase GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai offline:
Visit the GIG Gulf Insurance office
Fill out the required form
Pay the amount
You can also choose to avoid the hassle of visiting the branch and purchase the GIG Gulf Travel Insurance online in Dubai and the UAE by visiting the GIG Gulf Travel Insurance webpage.
Another option for you is to purchase GIG Gulf Travel Insurance at policybazaar.ae.
What are the Documents Required for Purchasing GIG Gulf Travel Insurance Dubai?
Here are the common documents you need to submit while purchasing an GIG Gulf Travel Insurance UAE plan.
ID proof
Valid residence proof
Passport for proof of nationality
Travel Insurance form
GIG Gulf Travel Insurance UAE Claim Process
GIG Gulf travel insurance claims are straightforward to file. You simply need to report the event to the claim assistance team and produce the supporting documents. Once your claim gets approved, you will receive the settlement amount as per the company’s terms and conditions. Following are the things you need during the GIG Gulf travel insurance claim process.
Required Documents for the Claim
To make a claim for theft, you will require written proof from the police confirming the reporting of the said incident.
To make a claim for baggage delay, you will need written proof from airlines confirming that the delivery of your luggage was delayed.
To make a claim for medical bills, you require medical bills from hospitals covered under GIG Gulf Travel Insurance.
Besides the required documents, you also need a copy of your travel insurance confirming your right to claim for a particular loss.
To lodge a Claim
For medical emergencies, you can call 24/7 GIG Gulf assistance for travel insurance no. +971 4 429 4000. For non-medical claims, you can contact local GIG Gulf offices
Top Travel Insurance Providers in UAE
GIG Gulf Travel Insurance FAQ's
Can I purchase GIG Gulf travel insurance online in the UAE?
Yes, you can purchase a suitable GIG Gulf travel insurance plan online. Visit the insurer’s official website, select a plan, and purchase it by paying the insurance premium. You can also visit the travel insurance section at Policybazaar.ae to choose, compare, and purchase GIG Gulf travel insurance.
How much personal liability cover do I get with GIG Gulf travel insurance UAE?
Depending on the plan, GIG Gulf travel insurance provides a high personal liability cover of up to AED 1 million.
Do I get worldwide coverage with GIG Gulf travel insurance?
GIG Gulf travel insurance offers domestic, regional, as well as international coverage.
What is the maximum duration of GIG Gulf travel insurance coverage?
GIG Gulf travel insurance secures you for a maximum period of 90 days per trip. However, will also discover multi-trip travel plans that are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
What are the additional riders available with GIG Gulf travel insurance Dubai ?
To get customised protection as per your requirements, you can purchase add-on riders by paying an additional premium. Following are the additional riders available with GIG Gulf travel insurance.
Sports and Adventure Cover - It secures you against accidents while you are enjoying an adventure or risky sports.
Terrorism Cover - If you are visiting a country prone to terrorist attacks, it is necessary to take a terrorist attack coverage just to prepare for the worst. The terrorism cover secures you against losses due to terrorism and related attacks.
Do I get dental expenses within medical coverage with an GIG Gulf travel insurance plan?
Yes, you receive emergency dental care of up to USD 1,000 with GIG Gulf travel insurance plan.
Does GIG Gulf multi-trip insurance provide baggage loss and delay cover?
Yes, GIG Gulf multi-trip insurance provides baggage loss cover of up to USD 10,000 and delay cover of up to AED 750 as per your plan.
When do I receive baggage delay benefits?
If your baggage arrives after a delay of 4 hours or more, you are eligible for the baggage delay benefits. In this case, the company bears the cost of essential items like clothing, medication, and toiletries.
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