Regardless of the type of credit card you hold, the ultimate aim is to maximize the rewards and benefits offered on the credit cards you own. For those who are frequent travelers, the most important aspects are the spending habits along with the pattern of travel. Although, there is no perfect card, you can find the one that suits your spending habits the best.
A great way to maximize the rewards on your credit cards is via the hotel membership programs offered by the various providers. You can enjoy your stay at the best of hotels while traveling at minimum costs. Read along to find out the best credit cards in UAE with hotel membership.
With the rise in the hotels and the luxuries they offer across the world, there is a rise our urge to indulge in the elite experiences they offer. It is nearly impossible to count the numerous hotels across the popular travel destinations.
So, while you travel, most destinations offer you a wide variety of options to use the hotel points that you might have earned over the course of time on your credit card spending.
There are two ways one can earn and accumulate hotel loyalty points. You can either opt for credit cards that are co-branded or those that offer rewards that can be redeemed across hotel loyalty programs. Some of the credit cards options available in the UAE are:
The Marriott Bonvoy World MasterCard offered by Emirates NBD offers its cardmembers free nights at over 7,000 hotels across the world along with other perks such as room upgrades, world experiences’ VIP access, free flights, and a lot more.
The following are the Marriott Bonvoy Points offered on the spending:
Some other rewards for cardholders are:
The Platinum Credit Card offered by American Express is tailored to suit your lifestyle and give you unmatched benefits all across the world.
It offers the cardholder the Membership Rewards program that offers 2 membership points for every AED 4 spent across supermarket, groceries, flight tickets, or any other spends. The best part is that there is no expiration period for these points. These can be accumulated and redeemed across a wide range of lifestyle and travel perks across their 3 hospitality or 12 airline partners.
The World MasterCard offered by the Commercial Bank of Dubai promises the cardholder a world of exclusive privileges and unique experiences. Apart from the MasterCard moments privileges, the cardholder is rewarded with CBD Reward Points, airport lounge access, and enhanced protection with the CHIP and PIN technology. Additionally, there is no annual fee applicable to own this card for the first year. There are also complimentary stays offered at the participating hotels of Marriott Bonvoy.
The traveller credit card offered by the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank is made for those who love to travel. With the exclusive discounts offered, one can stay for less, fly for less, and enjoy the elite luxuries during the journey.
The following are the deals and discounts offered on hotel stays:
Best Hotel Credit Cards in UAE |
To further conclude, there are 4 pretty straight forward credit cards offering different types of hotel memberships. The right one for you will depend on your travel pattern. This thread offers a brief review of the credit cards and in order to get a comprehensive review you need to have a detailed look into the various fee and charges along with the annual fee and perks and then decide whether it is apt for your situation.