Best investment options in the UAE

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From a group of small port towns in the gulf to a leading business hub, UAE has developed exponentially in the past few decades in terms of infrastructure and capital. UAE is known for its exquisite cuisine, rich culture, luxurious malls, and nightlife. Apart from being a popular tourist destination, UAE offers a liberal business environment and tax-free zones which makes it a financial sphere for investors.

Investment in Dubai forms an integral part of your financial portfolio. Financial investment in Dubai allows an individual to create wealth by multiplying and growing their savings gradually with time. Financial investments in Dubai provide cushioning to the investor and their loved ones by safeguarding their financial needs in phases of financial instability. While making decisions related to investment in Dubai it is very important to focus on liquidity as well apart from the returns. Easy to liquidate investments make it easier for the investor to manage situations like loss of job or medical emergencies.

The current era is globalization driven and hence while looking for various investment options one should not confine themselves to their native country. Investing money outside of your country can reap huge profits in terms of returns.

There are several investment options available in the UAE for all types of residents be it expats or the citizens. Investment in Dubai can be a complex subject for rookies, therefore, to help and guide you through your investment journey; today we’ll be discussing the best investment options that are available in the UAE.

Real Estate

Real estate is probably the biggest and the most opted investment option for residents of the UAE. The UAE has undergone rapid economic growth which makes it the ideal place to invest in real estate. Dubai is one of the fastest-growing economies globally yields profitable returns if invested correctly. Apart from being a business hub Dubai in the UAE is one of the most popular tourist destinations not only in the UAE but globally. The price of the property in Dubai is lower than in other global cities like NYC, Toronto, London, etc.

The geographic location of Dubai provides it the unique blend of eastern and western customs which has led to the development and growth of business in the region. With increasing business and trade in the region, the demand for property is never-ending.


The most common investment tool used globally is stocks. Stocks refer to the trading of equity of different companies and corporate groups. Investing in stocks can reap quite profitable returns but one should always keep in mind that stocks are the most volatile investment tool present in the market. Therefore before investing your hard-earned money, it is always recommended to do a bit of research followed by analysis.


Investments in bonds are considered a safe and secure method of financial investment. Bonds offer an excellent rate of returns when compared to any other financial tool. Bonds can be described as a debt instrument issued by various companies that offer interest against it. Benefits can be redeemed only after the maturity of the bond.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment options available in the market. They are cheaper than stocks and are managed by assistance from a fund manager. The fund manager breaks down the money into several smaller units which are later invested into different company stocks.


Dubai is crowned as the city of gold. Gold since times immemorial has been considered an important investment option. Apart from its high market value it very easy to liquidate which enhances its overall value as a financial investment. It is a safe investment in Dubai and the UAE that helps to get good profits.


The article discusses various potential financial tools and products available for investors in Dubai and the UAE. While each of the plans or products has its own set of pros and cons it is always recommended that one should analyze all the available options and later choose the best option available for them.

With the expo 2020 to be held in Dubai, UAE has strengthened its position globally attracting multiple investors to the country.

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