Why do you think you might need third-party car insurance in the UAE? The major reason behind this is a whopping rise in road accidents, in spite of strict traffic rules in place. The mishaps can be attributed to perilous driving practices that are relatively common, especially on highways. But what do you do when a third party asks you to pay for the damage repairs after a harrowing accident? In such cases, third party car insurance is your only way to mitigate this financial burden
Third-party car insurance works a little differently from regular car insurance in Dubai. So, basically, it is to cover for damages done to a third party. Let us move ahead and learn more about how third-party car insurance works.
What is Third Party Car Insurance?
Third party car insurance covers all the damages, accidentally caused to a third-party vehicle by you. However, third-party liability insurance does not cover any damages incurred by your vehicle. Third-party car insurance in the UAE is basic and obligatory auto insurance, mandated by the law. Third-party car insurance, also known as third-party liability insurance (TPL), is generally economical in comparison to a comprehensive car insurance policy
Third-party motor insurance is legally mandatory for all drivers in the UAE, including Dubai. The cheapest third-party car insurance in the UAE starts from AED 525 and can increase as per your insurance needs.