Engine Damage Repairs and Auto Insurance Cover

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An engine is the most important part of your car and it’s nothing to be pointed out separately. It is what imparts your sweet ride life. Being the most important part of the car, engines, their parts and the repair – all of it costs a lot. Basically, it is the most expensive to get repaired. It is natural to wonder whether auto insurance covers engine repair and replacement for your car as well. Let’s tackle this important question and find out how you can get an appropriate car engine insurance cover for your car. 

Do Car Insurance Plans Cover Engine Failure?

Any mechanical failure of cars is typically not covered under the basic coverage offered by comprehensive car insurance plans in the UAE. The only exception that applies here is damages caused to the engine in an accident. If your engine was crushed or blown in an accident, you can claim the repairs as a part of the insurance coverage. However, separate mechanical breakdowns are not covered. This can include water damage caused to the engine in water-logged roads due to heavy rainfall. But there is one way you can get car engine insurance cover in your auto insurance cover – the engine breakdown add-on cover. 

What is Engine Breakdown Cover?

Engine breakdown cover or car engine insurance cover is a common add-on offered with comprehensive car insurance plans. As evident, this add-on is used to cover the repair expenses for the mechanical breakdown of your engine. This includes repairs that may be required to return your car’s engine to its full capacity or replacement of the parts as well. Basically, any kind of damage caused to the engine of the car requiring any type of repair or replacement is covered by an engine breakdown cover. Since this is an add-on, you are required to pay an additional premium to avail of this facility. 

How Does Engine Breakdown Cover Work?

Let’s understand how car engine insurance cover works with an example. Assume that it rained heavily for several days in a thunderstorm causing dangerous water-logging, even in residential areas. Your cars got submerged in logged water which happened overnight and hence you could do practically nothing about it. The submerging will lead to damaged engine, gearbox, pistons and connecting rods as well. Damages caused to these parts are not covered under the basic benefits offered by comprehensive car insurance plans. But if you have car engine insurance cover, you can submit a claim to get these parts repaired. A typical engine repair session can cost you anywhere between AED 8000 to AED 15000, depending on the level of damage. Car engine insurance cover can ideally manage this expense and save you a lot of money. 

What is Covered in an Engine Breakdown Cover?

Given below is a complete list of inclusions that car engine insurance cover in auto insurance cover come with: 

  • Damages caused to the engine and its parts such as connecting rods, crankshaft, etc. 
  • Damages caused to the gearbox of the car 
  • Damages caused by water 
  • Lubricant leakage damages 
  • Damages caused the undercarriage of the car
  • Damaged sustained by the hydrostatic lock

What are the Exclusions of Engine Breakdown Cover?

Following is a complete list of exclusions of a car engine insurance cover in auto insurance cover:

  • Force starting the car when submerged in water and consequently leading to engine damage.
  • Other kinds of consequential damages are caused to the engine. For example, trying to drive a car despite knowing that the engine has sustained water damage or other kinds of damages.
  • While damages caused by flood and waterlogging are covered, inundation damages are not covered. This may include permanent flooding of a part of land due to a rise in sea level or intentional flooding of an area. 
  • Damages covered by manufacturer warranty.
  • Regular wear and tear of the engine.
  • Underage drivers or drivers without a valid license. 
  • Any attempted repairs were done without the knowledge of the insurance company. 
  • Damages caused by corrosion after water damage. 
Car Insurance Addons
Personal Accident Cover Roadside Assistance
Engine Protection Cover IDV-Insured Declared Value
No Claim Bouns Passenger Cover

How Much Does Engine Breakdown Cover Cost?

The typical cost of a car engine insurance cover is decided as per the current market value of the vehicle. Engine cover cost is about 2% of the total current cost of the vehicle. For example, if the insured declared value of your car or the current market price is AED 40,000, the cost of engine breakdown add-on in car insurance will be AED 800. The price can go up or down depending on the cost of your vehicle from here on. 

Who Should Consider Buying an Engine Breakdown Cover?

Car engine insurance cover can cost almost as much as your basic car insurance cover which makes it a pretty expensive service. This means you must weigh your needs and evaluate if you actually need an engine breakdown cover or not. Following is a guide for you to find out if you should take out car engine insurance cover with your comprehensive auto insurance cover:

  • If you own a high-functioning performance car, luxury vehicle or vintage car that has a high market price or value. The engine repairs for these vehicles can cost a lot. Taking a car engine insurance cover is a good idea here. 
  • If you live in flood or thunderstorm prone areas where waterlogging is an ongoing issue.
  • If your car is brand new, straight out of the showroom. 
  • If you want to cover every possible risk factor that can damage your car. 
  • If you are actively looking for additional engine breakdown coverage after your manufacturer warranty expires. 

Important Points to Remember About Engine Breakdown Cover

  • Car engine insurance cover is typically offered only to cars 5 years old or less
  • Engine breakdown covers can only be bought in combination with comprehensive car insurance plans or stand-alone own damage covers. 
  • The number of times you can claim your car engine insurance cover during its tenure may be limited. Most insurance providers allow up to 2 claims in a tenure. Talk to your provider to get the full picture of the policies. 
  • Since it is an add-on, you can only buy an engine protection cover at the time of buying the insurance plan or renewing it. 

In a Nutshell 

Even auto insurance covers do not come with a basic benefit to cover your engine breakdown repair expenses; you can easily manage them using the car engine insurance cover. Examine the complete details of your plan and make sure that there are no contradicting policies or rules that may have your engine repair claim denied. For example, manufacturer warranty benefits. If you still have your manufacturer warranty active, use it for the time being to get the engine repaired. Buy a car engine insurance cover once the warranty expires. Gather all the necessary info and make an informed decision.

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