Using a credit card is the most viable method when you need to pay for something you cannot pay right away or want to pay later. However, it is extremely important to make your credit card bill payment on time. Commercial Bank of Dubai offers you many payment options to make your CBD Credit Card Bill Payments
With CBD Credit Card, you also receive the facility of making CBD credit card payments via the UAE Funds Transfer System facility at exchange houses. UAEFTS is a Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system owned and hosted by the Central Bank of the UAE. It allows you to make secured financial transactions from one bank to another. Before making a credit card payment at an exchange house, please ensure that the exchange house accepts Commercial Bank of Dubai Credit Bills payment in the UAE.
Please note that the exchange house may levy an additional fee for enabling the payment.
Some of the advantages of using the UAEFTS facility are:
Even though UAEFTS provides ease of transaction, it has some disadvantages which you need to know before using this facility:
You can pay for your CBD credit card bill offline or online.
Payment for your CBD credit card bill payment can be made in the nearest bank branch. You can locate the nearest Commercial Bank of Dubai branch at
CBD Credit Card Payment by Cheque
Writing a cheque in the favour of CBD Bank is one of the methods that enable you to make your CBD credit card payment offline. Before depositing a cheque:
Once you have filled the cheque carefully and located your nearest Commercial Bank of Commerce branch, visit the branch and deposit the cheque in Cheque and Cash Deposit Machine (CDM).
CBD Credit Card Payment by Cash
The most convenient method of making CBD Credit Card bill payments offline is using cash. You can simply visit the nearest CBD Branch and deposit the cash at Cash Deposit Machine (CDM).
Instead of visiting the bank branch, you can choose a more convenient payment method i.e. online payment. This allows you to make your CBD Credit Card Bill payment anywhere in the world at any time. There are several methods of paying credit card bill online:
How to Pay Your Credit Card Bill CBD Mobile App
If you hold an account in CBD you can make your CBD Credit card bill payment online using the CBD mobile app. To pay using the mobile app
Your credit card bill payment will be made in a few minutes.
Online transfer
You can also visit the CBD webpage and log in to your account online to make a credit card payment.
As a CBD credit card owner, you are also allowed to make your credit card payment online from another bank account at a nominal fee your bank may charge.
Direct Debit
You can set a monthly payment system on your CBD or another bank account which will allow the bank to automatically deduct the outstanding amount on your CBD Credit Card every month from your bank account before the due date. Availing this facility will put your mind at ease since you would not require remembering and making payments on time.
Please note: You may opt for making complete payment on your outstanding or you can also choose to pay the minimum amount or above on your CBD Credit Card.
Phone Wallet lets you make cross-bank transfers without accessing your banking app. This platform facilitates the transfer of money and bill payments conveniently at a high speed. Commercial Bank of Dubai allows CBD Credit Cardholders to make their credit card payments using phone wallet apps such as EWallet, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung, PayPal, PayBy, etc. These apps let you make payments using your mobile in less than 5 minutes. To make payment using phone wallet:
CBD Credit Card Login |
You are advised to not use another unless it is the last resort. To make your CBD Credit card bill payment using another credit card you can use cash withdrawal or balance transfer facility available on your other credit card.
Please note, you can make complete payment or pay the minimum due or more on your CBD Credit Card bill.