Credit cards are perfect for resolving instant financial woes as they buy you extra time to pay your bills. You can pay your bills or make a purchase using your CitiBank credit card and pay to the bank later. However, when it comes to making payments, you must maintain punctuality to keep your credit score intact. The best thing is that you can pay your CitiBank credit card bill through various methods.
CitiBank allows you to pay your credit card bill via UAEFTS at an exchange house. UAEFTS stands for United Arab Emirates Funds Transfer System. This system is a Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system anchored by the Central Bank of UAE which facilitates the transfer of funds from one bank in the UAE to another via UAE’s central bank system. Please confirm that the exchange house supports payments to and from CitiBank.
Also, the exchange house may charge you an additional fee for facilitating the transaction.
The traditional method of paying for your CitiBank Credit Card Bill is to visit the nearest CitiBank branch and pay directly to the bank. To make CitiBank credit card bill payment offline you can use:
Citibank Credit Card Payment by Cheque
As a CitiBank customer, you are allowed to make credit card payments offline by writing a cheque in the favour of the bank. Do not forget to:
The cheque of any other bank may take more than a day for clearing.
Citibank Credit Card Payment by Cash Payment
Paying through cash is one of the most popular ways of making CitiBank Credit Card bills payment offline in the UAE. You can borrow the money from your bank account and deposit the cash to Cash Depositing Machine at the nearest CitiBank branch. The transaction will reflect immediately and you will receive the notification of payment.
CitiBank provides several methods to let you pay credit card bill online through various methods:
How to Pay Your Credit Card Bill CitiBank Mobile App
If you are a CitiBank account holder, you can pay your CitiBank credit card bill online using CitiBank mobile app in 5 easy steps:
Online transfer-Other UAE Bank Account
If you do not hold a banking account at CitiBank, you can pay your CitiBank credit card bill online from other banks via your banking account in less than 2 minutes by:
Citibank Credit Card Payment by Direct Debit
You can also use the direct debit facility to make a credit card payment. A direct debit is an autopay method enabled through instruction. This method of payment allows CitiBank to automatically deduct the outstanding amount from your registered account on the due date. In case you forgot to make the payment, this facility will ensure that the amount is automatically deducted from your account, protecting you from the penalty and keeping your credit Score spotless.
You can set the direct debit instruction if you need to make a recurring payment every month. However, when you set the direct debit option, you need to ensure that you have enough account balance for making credit card payments. In case your account balance falls short, you will be liable to pay the late fee and charges.
CitiBank allows you to enrol for the direct debit facility from your non-CitiBank account conveniently. To avail of this facility, you are required to download the form from and fill in the required details. Once you have filled the form, you can mail it to:
P.O.BOX 749
You can also choose to submit this form directly to a CitiBank branch. The bank may apply additional charges to provide this facility.
CitiBank also provides you the option of making CitiBank credit card bill payments online using a phone wallet. Paying through a phone wallet allows you to access any bank account to make the credit card payment online. You can use several platforms:
While banks are usually hesitant in accepting the payment for credit card bill through other credit cards, you can use another credit card to make CitiBank credit card bill payments using another bank’s credit card in case of emergency using cash withdrawal or balance transfer facility.