Covid-19 Health Insurance

Don’t gamble with your health, get the right cover at the right price

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AED 1 million Health cover starting @4/Day

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The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.
The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.

The entire world right is battling a serious health issue that has affected more than 10 million worldwide. The novel coronavirus that began from the wet markets of Wuhan city in the Hubei province of China ended up as a pandemic. The grip of coronavirus in different cities all across the globe appears to be tightening within the past few months.

In such a situation the best way to safeguard yourself and your loved ones are to stay indoors and take all preventive measures such as social distancing, wearing a face mask, and exercising regularly are quite important. However, since the virus is new to the knowledge of mankind it is even more important to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

The ideal way to stay prepared during the phase of turmoil is by purchasing the right health insurance plan. With the correct health insurance plan in place, one can ensure that they and their loved ones are safe against the strokes of uncertainties on the unexpected trail of life.

Furthermore, health insurance increases the confidence of individuals by ensuring that they receive the right treatment when needed. This not only allows them to work to their fullest but also helps them to enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Understanding what is Covid-19 Health Insurance

As mentioned earlier the novel coronavirus aka COVID-19 has affected more than ten million people worldwide. The virus is highly contagious and can cause severe respiratory illnesses and problems that might result in fatality.

In such a difficult scenario when the number of cases is rising rapidly all across the globe and health risks are high, it is inevitable to have a health insurance plan that ensures health coverage in case of diagnosis of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.

The health insurance plan allows the insured to work to their maximum potentials and leading a tension free life. With the coronavirus health insurance, the insured will be protected against the wrath of the fatal virus.

Guidance for Corona Virus Health Insurance Customers

As the COVID-19 outbreak across the different parts of the world worsens customers should stay indoors and practice social distancing to contain the spread of the deadly virus. Customers who have opted for coronavirus health insurance uae should spread awareness amongst people. Moreover, people should abide by the WHO guidelines that are issued in public interest.

Importance of Coronavirus Insurance in the UAE

With the COVID-19 outbreak the world has experienced and witnesses various situations that are new and dangerous. In order to contain the spread of the deadly virus several countries have declared a state of lockdown putting the lives of people at a temporary halt. Since the virus has a more significant impact on sick and the elderly it is a wise choice to avoid going to crowded places.

It has also been observed that people are extremely fearful of the situation and that has led to the development of a wave of fear amongst the common public. In such a scenario it is our responsibility and duty to take steps that contain the spread of the fatal virus.

The first step that can be taken in order to contain the spread of the deadly virus is staying indoors followed by social distancing and following hygienic health habits. However, when it comes to the financial element it is vital to get a health insurance plan that covers all the expenses incurred in the treatment of COVID -19.

Teleconsultation (Consult your Doctor from Home)

Under the coverage offered by the coronavirus health insurance plans, customers can seek consultation of expert doctors via phone. As the pandemic situation is still ongoing customers can make use of the teleconsultation feature to seek advice from doctors. Using this technique will not only prevent insured customers from contracting the disease but will also break the chain of spread.

COVID-19 Coverage Under Your Existing Health Policy

As we all are aware of the fact that a significant portion of people residing in the UAE is expatriates that have migrated from their native jurisdiction in search of a better job and remunerational possibilities. It has been observed very often that a large number of expatriates already have a health insurance policy in place that offers worldwide coverage. In such a scenario a big question that arises is that will the existing policy of expats or UAE nationals cover them in case they are diagnosed with COVID-19?

According to insurance and financial experts since COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus is a disease most of the existing health insurance policies offer coverage for the ailment. However, a crucial point to be kept in consideration while opting for coronavirus health insurance is that if the policyholder purchases the plan after being diagnosed with the disease the plan will not provide coverage.

Furthermore, most of the policies that we deal with in the UAE have a waiting period before which the coverage is not provided. Typically, the waiting period lasts from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 90 days depending on the provider. The coronavirus health insurance policies are designed and developed to cover in-patient expenses or hospitalization expenses. While choosing coverage for the health insurance plan it is vital for people to assess their individual needs.

In a Nutshell

The world is battling the novel coronavirus and it is crucial to be prepared to combat the deadly pathogen. With the right health insurance plan, one can ensure that they and their loved ones are safe from the wrath of this fatal virus that has shaken the global economies.

FAQ’s on Coronavirus Health Insurance 

Q1. How do I make the claim if I am diagnosed with COVID-19 and need to undergo treatment?

Ans. The applicant needs to submit their claim in the normal way, as coronavirus health insurance does not require any pre-authorized diagnosis report.

Q2. How to find out what exactly is covered under the coronavirus health insurance?

Ans. Insurance seekers can read the fine print of the policy to find out and understand the exact details of the coverage offered by the plan.

Q3. Can I seek treatment in a private hospital if I am diagnosed with COVID-19?

Ans. This will entirely depend on the guidelines of the government in your country.

Q4. Will the cost of quarantine be covered within the policy?

Ans. Yes, the cost of quarantine will be covered within the coronavirus health insurance policy.

Q5. Can a covered policyholder be evacuated to another if diagnosed with COVID-19?

Ans. The evacuation process will depend on government guidelines and protocols.

Q6. Can I claim cash benefit if I am getting treated in a government hospital?

Ans. if the policy includes the benefit the applicant can claim cash benefit for getting treated in a government hospital.

Q7. Can I access health care services over the phone?

Ans. Yes, as per the government guidelines insurance providers are offering teleconsultation services to its clients.

Q8. What if I am unable to make the payment of my coronavirus health insurance policy?

Ans. If you are unable to make the payment of coronavirus health insurance policy refer to contact us section on the website.

Q9. How can I update my information?

Ans. policyholders can update their personal information through self-service portals.

Q10. How can I discuss my submitted claim?

Ans. For details and inquiries related to claim to refer to the website.

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