Coronavirus Outbreak-Better Safe than Sorry!

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Pandemic! The word itself sends chills down the spine.

And yet we have been hearing that a lot in connection with the outbreak of the coronavirus, which started from China, with Wuhan being the epicenter.

Waking up to the news of the rising number of deaths due to this viral outbreak is nothing less than traumatizing.

Recently, the health officials all across the globe have been signaling that a coronavirus pandemic might be on the horizon. Although the experts are trying to figure out ways to stop the virus from spreading if the efforts such as quarantining of travelers are unable to prevent the outbreak, what will?

We are talking about the unknown here; however, considering the ease with which the coronavirus appears to transmit from a person to another, the world may be stepping into a much broader global spread of this virus, now called SARS-CoV-2. The disease caused by the virus is named Covid-19.

Since January 28, there have been 21 cases of coronavirus reported in the UAE, 5 out of whom have been cured. With the chances of the virus going pandemic, it is important that we have correct knowledge about the same.

Here is all that you need to know about this virus. 

How do People get Infected?

According to the experts, coronavirus is considered to be transmitted through droplets that are emitted when people cough, sneeze or even simply talk. If you are present within the distance of 2-3 meters of an infected individual, you may end up breathing in these droplets directly. More the time you stay near them, the higher would be the risk.

The falling droplets can contaminate the surfaces. For instance, an infected person may cough into his hand and then use the same to press a button. If you touch the contaminated surface, then put your hand in contact with your nose, eyes, or face, you may catch the infection. Furthermore, an infected person’s feces may also be infectious. 

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How to Avoid Catching the Coronavirus?

The risk of catching the Covid-19 can be minimized by ‘social distancing’ and maintaining good hygiene. If anyone around you appears to be ill, move at least one meter away from that person. Try to avoid hugging or shaking hands with such people. Keep your hands clean all the time by washing them with water and soap, or using a hand alcohol rub, especially after you come in contact with surfaces that may be infected.

As per the guidelines by WHO, healthy people do not need to put on face masks. It also mentions that as such there isn’t any evidence that the pets may catch and spread this virus, or that it can be transmitted through packages, letters, or food. 

How can You Avoid Spreading the Infection to Others?

In case you feel sick, and think that you may have Covid-19, do not visit the hospital or a clinic directly because you may end up infecting the people around you. Stay inside your house, contact the local health authorities.

WHO says that if you are having cough, fever, and breathing difficulty, seek medical attention instantly. If you have no option but to go out, then cover your face with a face mask. While sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and dispose it later. In case you do not have a tissue at that moment, cough into the bent elbow instead of your hand.

In this weather, influenza and flu are common things, so if you are down with such health conditions, try to stay at home so that you do not infect other people. This is will help in exacerbating the strain on health authorities, making it easier for them to track the patients who are really infected with the coronavirus. 

How Can You Protect Yourself?

The health authorities have been providing a lot of information for keeping yourself protected from getting infected by the Covid-19. However, before protecting anything else, it is important to protect your peace of mind.

You ask how? You are the breadwinner of your family, and God forbid, if something happens to you in such an outbreak, at least you can ensure the financial security of your family. Now is the time to buy term insurance in UAE, if you haven’t already. By having a term plan, at least you will not have to worry about the future of your loved ones.

The term insurance policy will offer you life coverage in exchange for a premium amount, which is to be paid regularly. It provides a death benefit to the insured along with coverage for the unavoidable financial burdens on the dependents.

Moreover, you should also keep a check on your health insurance, so that you do not get stuck with the last moment medical hassle. After all, it is always better to be safe than sorry!


Coming back to some health advice, these days you will come across various sources that claim things like vitamins or garlic can protect you from the covid-19 virus. But there is no proper evidence to support such claims.

Therefore, it is important that you do not believe anything and everything you read. Filter your sources, only follow trustworthy and reliable sources.

First of all, you need to keep your immune system strong to keep yourself protected. Take an adequate amount of sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

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Although it hasn’t been proved that smoking increases the risk of getting infected, but some previous studies show that smoking may increase the risk of getting hospitalized in case you catch flu. Hence, this is a suitable time for a health kick.

You may also book yourself for pneumococcal and flu vaccines. This will not protect you from getting infected by the coronavirus, but you will stay protected from other infections, which in turn will help in reducing the burden on health authorities. The lesser the people coming down with conditions having similar symptoms as covid-19 will help in making the situation simpler to control.

There have been many such outbreaks in the past, some even worse. The best thing to do in such situations is being aware. It will help you in keeping yourself and the people around you protected. Take proper precautions because precaution is always better than cure!

Take care and stay healthy.

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