Keeping proper track of your credit card usage is crucial to make sure that you are efficiently managing your credit card spending. Correct usage of credit cards results in a good credit score and strong credit history. It also allows you to pay off your monthly dues conveniently without incurring any late payment fees. Refer to this article to understand how you can check your Dubai First credit card statement and how you can get it. You will find information on the contents of the Dubai First credit card statement and different ways to check it. Let us begin with discussing the key terms of the Dubai First credit card statement.
Here are the important key terms of a credit card statement you must know about -
Credit card statements can be divided into a few sections. Each section covers a certain type of information. Given below is a quick review of all sections of a credit card statement and their sub-sections:
The account information is present on the very top of your Dubai First credit card statement. It consists of the following details -
This section of the Dubai First credit card statement contains a detailed summary of your credit card for the concerned month. Here’s the list of information you will find in the account summary section -
It contains all the major information of the purchases you made within your billing cycle -
Reward points are loyalty points that customers earn upon using their Dubai First credit card. These reward points can be further used for availing discounts or deals on travel and accommodation, lifestyle shopping, etc. Besides that, earned reward points can also be availed for dining, entertainment purposes and more. Reward points-related info in the credit card statement includes -
Details related to additional charges, fees and interest rates (if applicable) are also mentioned in the statement. This can include the following -
Below-stated are the benefits of having a credit card statement -
The Dubai First credit card holders can view their Dubai First credit card statements through the bank’s mobile application. The app is available on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. Given below is the process to check Dubai First credit card statement -
Yes, once you view your credit card, select the option to download the Dubai First credit card statement. The statement will be downloaded in PDF format.
Yes, your Dubai First credit card statement will reflect all details regarding your credit card reward points.
No, credit card holders of the Dubai First bank must have access to the bank’s mobile application to view and download their credit card statements.
What is meant by the statement date mentioned on my credit card statement?
The statement date is the date on which your statement is issued by the bank. It may or may not coincide with the billing cycle end date.