Credit cards present a smart way of making payments. These cards, made up of metal or plastic, allow you to borrow money from the bank. They come with a credit limit set by the provider — you can usually owe money up to that limit for shopping and purchases.
In the UAE, credit cards have become a daily part of people’s lives. They are useful in several ways from making payments to improving your credit score.
If you are wondering what is a credit card used for, read on to get the answer below.
What are the Uses of Credit Cards?
Credit cards are used for several purposes —
Credit cards are convenient for shopping, regular purchases, and travel expenses
These cards make spends highly rewarding — you can earn and redeem rewards and cashback
These cards are used for improving credit scores — just make sure to use them responsibly
They are quite helpful in emergencies — you can easily pay the bill without worrying about the funds
Credit cards in uae also help you track your expenses and manage your finances
You can make big purchases and easily repay them with the EMI option
How Do You Use a Credit Card?
It’s easy to use a credit card. Here are the major ways to use this card —
Tap and Pay: You can simply wave or place your card over a card reader. This lets you make transactions without requiring you to enter the PIN.
Card Swiping: You can also swipe or insert your card into a card machine. However, in this case, you will need to enter your PIN.
Online: On a merchant’s website, you can enter your credit card details for the payment. Note that the transaction might be validated with a One Time Password (OTP).
Important: Be careful when handling important card information such as card number, CVV, expiry date, and more.
While wondering ‘how do I use a credit card’, you must also be aware of some tips to efficiently use your card —
If you want to build your credit Score, make credit card bill payments on time.
Understand how the interest rate is calculated on your credit card.
A credit card comprises numerous fees, so be aware of the fees of your credit card.
If you have multiple credit cards, use them for the right purpose and keep your spends in check.
While online shopping can help you earn rewards and cashback, make sure that you enter your card details only on trusted platforms.
Redeem your reward points before expiry to book hotels, flights, dining, shopping, and more.