If you plan to purchase a credit card from Ajman Bank, this article is a must-read for you! Obtaining a credit card from a bank is not sufficient for your purposes, as you would be required to activate your card first in order to use it for your expenditures.
credit card customers can use any of the following methods to perform Ajman Bank credit card activation –
Internet banking is one of the most preferred forms of banking by people across the globe owing to the convenience and safety offered. Customers can log into their online bank accounts at any time of the day to fetch their bank-related information and easily pay bills and transfer funds to another account through online banking.
Besides accessing the mentioned facilities and services, individuals can also use online banking to activate their Ajman Bank credit card by following these steps –
With phone banking, new Ajman Bank credit card users can get in touch with one of the bank representatives via call. The phone banking facility also offers flexibility in choosing between Arabic and English.
To complete your Ajman Bank credit card activation process, give a call at 800 22 and follow the prompted instructions.
Similar to internet banking, mobile banking, done through the bank’s official mobile app, is another mode of activating your credit card. Most financial institutions nowadays have their apps to make banking accessible, with Ajman Bank also having one of its own.
Customers can install the application on their smartphones and avail of any bank-related services with a few taps. To use the Ajman Bank app for the Ajman Bank credit card activation process, check out the following set of instructions –
Customers can also visit their nearest Ajman Bank branches and consult a bank representative regarding the credit card activation process. In this case, you would simply need to provide the requested details and follow the instructions of the concerned bank personnel to have your credit card activated.
Ajman Bank credit card activation is the first and the most crucial step to be completed after you receive it. The sooner you activate your credit card, the better it is. To know why this is the case, read the following points –
This article section will discuss the key points you must remember before activating and using the Ajman Bank credit card –
Technical issues while activating the Ajman Bank credit card can cause hindrances not only during the process but also when you try to use your card later. Thus, if you face any issue in activating your Ajman Bank credit card, it is highly recommended to contact the bank immediately.
Get in touch with the customer care representative team via call or reach out to them by visiting your nearest Ajman Bank branch. Technical experts of the bank are available round the clock to assist you. Remember that if you want to have a consultation with the bank in person, visit the bank during working hours.\
You can explore a wide range of credit cards offered by Ajman Bank and choose the best one for you. However, once you receive it after successfully completing the application, don’t forget to activate the card.
Opt for any one method as per your requirements and convenience to complete the Ajman Bank credit card activation process, be it online banking, phone banking, mobile banking, or an in-person visit. Always set up a strong PIN so that no one can guess it easily. For any further assistance, connect with one of the bank experts either through a call or by having a one-on-one conversation at a bank branch.
Ajman Bank provides four different modes of banking to activate credit cards – internet banking, app (mobile) banking, phone banking, and offline visit to the nearest bank branch.
The following documents may be asked to apply for an Ajman Bank credit card –
Dial 80022 from your registered mobile number and proceed as per the given instructions to activate your Ajman Bank credit card.