While purchasing car insurance, you need to be wary of several factors that play a crucial role in determining the facilities you will receive on car insurance. One such factor you need to consider is the repairing service.
There are two types of repairs offered on your car insurance provider:
An agency repair enables you to avail of repairing services from authorized workshops. Though the car insurance premium for this service is higher, it guarantees peace of mind since your car will be repaired at the car dealership from where you purchased it or at any of the brand-authorized workshops.
Since the agency repair is facilitated by qualified technicians who are experts at handling branded vehicles, your car receives the highest quality of service and the workshops use genuine spare parts to replace any damages caused to your car. You should use agency repair if you have a new or luxury car. Many reputed insurers will provide you agency repairs on your car if:
A garage repair, also known as non-agency repair is the repair service provided by your insurance provider’s approved motor garages or workshops. These workshops and motor garages are pre-tested by your insurance company to provide you the best services on your car repair.
Best Car Workshops in Dubai |
Many people are apprehensive about the garage repair since the garages and workshops are not authorized by the car’s brand. There is a misconception that a garage repair does not provide good services or may use fake parts for your car because they are cheaper to avail. However, these are myths. Your insurance provider ties up with some of the most reputable workshops to ensure that your car receives the best repair possible. This type of car insurance is cheaper that agency repair because they are not authorized by the brands. However, the garage repairs your car faster than the agency. Besides, some of the insurance providers in the UAE offer you a valet service that will pick and drop your car after the repair.
Agency Repair | Garage Repair |
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