Does your Health Insurance Plan Cover Tonsillitis in UAE ?

Don’t gamble with your health, get the right cover at the right price.

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AED 1 million Health cover starting @4/Day

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The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.
The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.

Some diseases like the common cold, cough, tonsillitis, or jaundice, among many others, can affect people across different age groups. Most cases are easily cured by either the use of home remedies or by the use of prescription medicines over a few weeks. Apart from that, one only has to rest to fully recuperate and get back their vitality and health. In some instances, however, the disease might get severe, forcing one to get hospitalized or even undergo surgery. One such disease that might turn critical is tonsillitis and a lot of the time patients have to undergo surgery in order to recover.

Over the centuries of human existence, our lifestyle has gone through tremendous changes, with each new decade ushering in something different yet exciting. Our world today is full of amenities that make our lives easier and take efficient care of all our needs. However, these changes have also brought about changes in our health, mostly negative. The lack of exercise in our daily routine combined with unhealthy eating habits and the extreme pollution surrounding us everywhere has brought extreme challenges with regards to our health. This is where the need for effective health insurance plans steps in. Getting a medical insurance not only takes care of the cost of healthcare procedures like a tonsillectomy taken for treating tonsillitis, but it also relieves us of the burden of medical expenses that rush in the door every time we contract a serious health ailment.

Tonsillitis tends to affect the majority of the population at least once in their life. It can happen for several different reasons ranging from an occasional change in weather or because we left caution to the wind before grabbing a full bucket of ice cream for a midnight snack. It is treatable but in certain extreme cases, the patient might have to get a surgery to remove the tonsils if the disease turns serious. Tonsillectomy is the name given to the surgical process of removing the tonsils and it is generally done to operate on the inflamed tonsils of the patient. This surgery, though quick and simple might involve hospitalization. This means that it can put a financial burden on your budget if one does not subscribe to a health insurance policy.

So, how does one bear the cost of hospitalization and the surgery for tonsillitis? Is taking money out of your savings to bear the cost of the surgery the only option or is there another alternative to burning a hole in your pocket? Tonsillitis can attack us off guard and turn our daily routine upside down to a great extent. Therefore, it is best to be prepared by buying the best medical insurance plan available in the market. Let us look into the details of health insurance policies for tonsillitis in UAE and Dubai in a little more detail.

What is tonsillitis?

The human body is complex but a high functioning machine that works efficiently through the workings of many organs. One such organ in our body is called the tonsils. These are two bean-shaped glandules or glands that are situated at both sides of our throat. Their main function is to fight against pathogens. How do they do that you may ask?

Let’s understand this a little more. Tonsils act as guards that prevent the entry of any microbial, bacterial or viral entry in our body through our mouth. They are our body’s defense barrier against infection. When these tonsils get infected, the condition is known as tonsillitis. 

Tonsillitis is the inflammation in the tonsils that can result from the attack of a viral or bacterial infection in our body. It can even spread from one person to another while sneezing or coughing. In mild cases, the infection can be treated by the use of medication, usually a course of antibiotics. However, you can only imagine what can happen if the body’s armed guards are themselves down. In case the condition gets severe, surgery remains our only option.

Tonsils can be roughly regarded as our body’s immunity center and the adverse impact of modern lifestyle has had a terrible effect on our immunity. Additionally, the extreme weather changes and the pollution in the environment has rendered us more prone to infectious ailments like tonsillitis.

How is tonsillitis caused and how to prevent it?

We have all heard about someone we know who has had their tonsils removed. As a consequence, many people have a misconception that these glands are useless and serve no important function. But as explained earlier, these organs serve an extremely important function in our body and they are not indispensable as they produce WBCs or the white blood cells that are responsible for fighting infections and boosting our immunity.

Among the most common reasons for tonsillitis is a bacterial or viral infection and it spreads by contact with an infected person. Weather changes also contribute to the cause of this infection.

Tonsillitis can be prevented by limiting our interaction with the infected people and maintaining the basic hygiene practices like washing our hands regularly, keeping our nose and mouths covered while sneezing or coughing. Practices like these have become the norm in the pandemic ridden world and are necessary for the prevention of such bacterial and viral infections. Getting a medical insurance plan is the next most logical step in a world struggling to survive the bout of infections.

Health insurance plans covering Tonsillitis

One of the most common mistakes made by policy buyers whilst picking a plan is that they often overlook the list of exclusions accompanying the policy. This exclusion list states the diseases that are not covered under the scope of the health insurance. All of us simply assume that the expenses incurred in any kind of hospitalization will be included in the coverage of our health insurance plan, without confirming whether the costs will be actually paid by our insurer or not. This mistake often comes to light at the worst possible moment when our claim gets rejected because we did not pay close enough attention to the exclusions list of the policy. We thus put the blame of our folly onto the head of the insurer, avoiding our own responsibility while buying medical insurance plans.

With tonsillitis, the catch is that most medical insurance plans do cover it but it is generally only after a stipulated time of the waiting period is over. This waiting period is usually marked for two years under most health plans. This translates to the fact that one has to regularly renew their policy for at least a period of two years before they can enjoy coverage for tonsillitis.

Hence, as a policy buyer, if you buy a floater plan, it is important to get coverage for your kids as soon as possible since they are the ones who are m, most prone to falling sick with tonsillitis as opposed to adults. It makes even more sense because one has to ride out the waiting period and so delaying getting a coverage will not be wise. Another important thing to remember is that the period of waiting is applicable to both an individual health insurance plans alongside the family floater health insurance plans.

The Bottom Line

Our body is indeed our biggest wealth and it is our duty to protect it at any cost. It is a gift of life and we have to do our part in order to keep it functioning efficiently. While sometimes we are negligent enough and sometimes the changes in the weather make us susceptible to diseases. There are some things we can do to prevent that, and for the rest, the least we can do is reduce the burden of expenses by picking good health insurance plan to protect our greatest wealth!

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