Do's and Don'ts when Buying Car Insurance

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Accidents not only damage the cars but can destroy families and lives as well. However, with the increasing number of cars and excessive traffic taking on the roads, accidents are becoming a part of our reality. Hence, it is crucial to keep our car protected by a car insurance policy. When you want to buy car insurance in Dubai, there are plenty of options that you can consider. However, there are some important Do’s and Don’ts that you should remember before buying an insurance policy for your vehicle:


  • Look for your options as you can buy a car insurance policy from an authorized insurance company. Your car dealer is not the only necessary provider for it.
  • You should fill all the details yourself so that you do not get into trouble later. Don’t depend on your agent or your dealer to fill the form for you.
  • See all of your insurance forms carefully, analyze through the sections, and fill all the details very carefully.
  • Remember to keep a copy of all your forms which include proposals that are thoroughly completed.
  • It is crucial to go through the entire prospectus and all the details of your insurance policy’s brochure without missing out on any point.
  • Make a mental note of all the inclusions and carefully analyze all the exclusions to make a better decision.
  • Keep all the important documents such as a driving license, permit, and the RC book ready to give to your insurance company for the process of verification.
  • Keep all the documents updated.


  • One of the most crucial don’ts is not letting other people fill out the car insurance form before getting car insurance in Dubai. Do not depend on your agent or your friends or family to take care of the details, because if you just blindly sign them then you will end up more in trouble than convenience because you are responsible for your signature.
  • Remember to fill all the columns carefully while buying car insurance in Dubai. Do not leave any column blank otherwise the process will only get delayed.
  • Do not delay the renewal of your policy. The renewal date should not be extended even by a day more than the allowed grace period.
  • In case, you are buying a new car which already has an insurance sorted, then remember to ask the details. However, remember to buy the personal accident cover because some policies may miss out on that.
  • Do not give any false information about your vehicle while buying car insurance in Dubai.

Do’s and Don’ts in Detail

While the above-mentioned points talk only about the logistical steps to remember and the dos and the don’ts that one should remember while getting a car insurance in dubai, the following pointers would also help you go through all the dos and don’ts to help you cut the costs of your car insurance:


  • Your current policy should always reflect the requirements you have at the moment. You would also need to carefully see each and every feature and see that you have everything you need to be included in your plan. Most people just buy a car insurance plan and conveniently forget all the details about it. This makes them pay a lot more during an accident since they are unaware of all that they are entitled to. Your policy needs to be well connected with the mileage of your car, the valuation of your car in the market along with your age otherwise it is hardly of any use.
  • Another pointer to remember is to keep some funds aside in case you decide to drop the coverage for collision. If you are driving an older car which has a lower market value, then not paying for collision coverage may be an option for you. In such situations, there is a much higher chance of your insurance company to announce your car as a complete loss and just giving you some money in return instead of advising you to repair it. Hence, having some money kept on the side would always help you in case your car meets with an accident.
  • Also, while getting car insurance in Dubai, make a wise decision without getting carried away. You can choose to raise the cost of your deductible and avoid the coverage. When you raise your deductibles, you will end up getting more savings. However, you need to ensure that you have enough money kept aside to cover these savings to get the right auto insurance claim.
  • When it comes to insuring the driver, do not skimp. In case you get hit by a car which is driven by a driver who does not have adequate coverage to pay for your medical expenses, then you may end up paying way too much for your own medical costs along with your car’s repair. So do not avoid the uninsured or the underinsured driver’s coverage feature.
  • Don’t just get a car insurance because you need to get one for the sake of it. A car insurance policy is mandatory and would prove to be very helpful when you end up hitting your car.

All the above-mentioned pointers are crucial when it comes to buying car insurance. You cannot avoid these pointers otherwise you may end up missing out on all the good policies and may end up paying a very high amount for policy features that you may not even need. With a little effort, a lot of research and a lot of precautions, you will end up saving on the price and not end up spending a lot of money when you have to spend for the repairs or medical expenses.

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