Driving in the Dark? Keep these Tips in Mind!

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Without a doubt, driving during the night or in the dark for that matter is quite dangerous. However, in some situations, taking a road trip during the night becomes unavoidable. The road trip can be for going out for a dinner, coming back late from office, or heading out for an emergency.

No matter what the reason is, driving during the night involves its own share of risks. Statistics show that in the UAE, a majority of vehicle accidents take place during the night than during the day. The reasons behind this are a reduction in visibility and more difficulty in judging the distance and speed.

In case of an accident, things can become simpler for you if you have a car insurance.

Nevertheless, here is a rundown on a few simple tips that you must incorporate while driving during the night for making your experience less risk-fraught and more pleasant.

Keeping the Windshield Clean

There is no doubt in the fact that messy windshield is not just irritating but also very hazardous during the night as compared to the day.

At night, there is already a lack of proper lights, hence, driving with an unclear windshield can be even more challenging and disruptive. The residue, which you probably would have skipped noticing in the sunlight, becomes even more prominent in the dark. Therefore, it is essential that you clean the windshield properly before driving away.

Ensuring that your Headlights Function Properly

Have you checked whether your front and tail car lights are working properly or not? And, what about the turn signals? You must see and be seen without blinding the drivers coming on your way. Hence, you need to make sure that all the lights on your vehicle are working properly.

There is no need to hesitate in turning the lights on well before the twilight as an additional precaution. This will help the drivers on your way to notice you approaching.

Do Not Look into the Oncoming Headlights Directly

Try not to look into the car lights of the vehicles approaching your way directly. While cars come barreling your way, give your best effort in casting your eyes down or on the other direction, while trying to concentrate on the white lines.

This will help you to avoid being blinded briefly because of these headlights. Thus, you would not end up losing a sense of direction.

Increasing the Following Distance and Reducing the Speed

These days all of us are in a hurry of getting to our desired destinations. However, reducing the driving speed and abstaining from following vehicles closely is more likely to decrease the probability of any mishaps taking place on the streets of the UAE.

You can make use of the headlights of your car for measuring your separation as well as the halting time. Try to keep a distance from the rear ends of the cars ahead of you while making sure you keep your speed contained.

Keeping your Mobile Phones Away

No matter if you are texting, speaking with your long-distance friend, or simply playing your favorite game, diverting your focus from the road can be extremely dangerous. Adding to the danger, there are also heavy fines, which are charged when you text while driving.

Hence, giving attention to your phone while driving is definitely on worth it. Just put your mobile on the silent mode or simply switch it off if you are not expecting any important text or call when you drive during the night, so as to avoid distractions, and boosting the overall concentration.

Avoiding the Fast Lane

Driving on the empty street during the night leads to speeding vehicles, which definitely exploit the empty streets.

Keeping on the side of the road while driving in this situation is generally helpful because the vehicles, which are surging in front of you at quite a higher speed, can move ahead without honking you down. Such a practice can help you in eliminating the risk of crashing into speeding cars that are approaching from the back.

Taking Regular Breaks

It is advised that you take breaks at certain intervals while driving for long distances. However, this becomes even more important when you drive throughout the night.

Take a break in every two hours at least for resting. You can also drink a strong coffee for keeping yourself alert and awake.

Studying the Street Ahead

You should read the road ahead of you for the signs of drivers oncoming. The lights glimmering at the hilltops and at the bends can be headlights of other cars that are trying to give a prior warning.

You must also watch out for cyclists and pedestrians, as it becomes a little tough to spot them in the dark, especially when they are not wearing any reflective clothing.

To Sum Up!

Driving during the night, or in the dark for that matter, is full of risks and challenges. However, by being cautious and following the tips mentioned above, you can make sure an accident-free and safe trip.

You should also ensure that your vehicle is covered with cheap car insurance in UAE, which suits your needs. Take your time in research before picking up a policy. Compare various quotes from the leading insurance companies in the UAE so as to find a policy that works the best for you.

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