Dubai Drivers Prefer High-Quality Car Insurance Over Cheaper

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*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.
*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.
Selecting your car insurance policy is a daunting task. Optional add-ons, technical jargons, and unexpected exclusions can be a few hurdles while choosing the policy which is the most suitable for you.

It is mandatory by law for every driver to have car insurance in Dubai. The car insurance Dubai can be broken down in 2 categories- comprehensive and third-party. Comprehensive car insurance offers more add-ons and hence is more expensive when compared to third-party car insurance. Hence, providing wider protection to your expensive vehicles as compared to the third-party coverage. s

Third-Party Liability - The Cheaper Option

Third-party liability is a cheap option for car insurance in dubai. In case you are responsible for an accident, this policy covers the cost of damages caused to the other party. These costs might include anything from hospital bills to vehicle damage to insurance repair. However, there will be no cover for the repairs of your car. That is, more severe the accident, more would be the financial hit on you.

The drivers who have low available funds or are confident that they can drive safely on the roads of Dubai are the ones who prefer third-party liability.

Comprehensive Insurance - A Wider Spectrum

As the name suggests, comprehensive insurance offers the drivers a larger coverage in various scenarios. Hence, it is high-quality car insurance at a high cost. If you own a high-end car in Dubai, then it is advisable to go for comprehensive insurance. Spending some extra hundred dirhams on your car insurance might save you from spending thousands in the future. Under the comprehensive insurance, your insurer will give you cover for your vehicle repairs, even though the damage was your fault. It also gives you coverage for unforeseen circumstances such as floods, fire, theft, and vandalism.

This type of car insurance Dubai becomes a necessity if you have taken a loan out of your car. Comprehensive insurance offers higher assurance for drivers who own expensive and luxurious cars, or those who spend a significant amount of time in driving (hence, statistically the chances of an accident are more).

Significance of Add-ons

While you personalize the coverage on your car insurance, the add-ons are also a potentially significant consideration. You can bolster a third-party liability to include theft and fire, while the comprehensive policy can be upgraded so as to include areas like

  1. Extended GCC or Omani-wide coverage
  2. Cracked windscreens
  3. 24-hour recovery service for breakdown
  4. A cover on personal accident
  5. Off-road coverage
  6. Coverage for car hire
  7. Coverage for personal belongings
  8. Expenses for emergency accommodation
  9. Medical payouts in lump-sum.

Even when you are happy with the comprehensive policy you own and do not wish to pay any more dirhams on it, it is wise to know the differences between standard coverage areas and the areas that are classified as additional benefits.

High-Quality or Lower Price?

While most of the drivers in Dubai own high-end luxury cars, they need car insurance that can cover their vehicles. Hence the drivers are preferring high-quality car insurance, that is, comprehensive policy rather than cheaper car insurance, that is, the third-party insurance policy. However, in some cases, an insurer's third-party liability can be more expensive than the other one's comprehensive coverage. But the drivers these days are concerned more about the coverage than the price. They can buy online car insurance in Dubai after evaluating the quality, prices, and the additional benefits mentioned in the plan.

When it comes to car insurance, the residents of Dubai are ready to pay a few extra dirhams for an added peace of mind. They have adjusted to the fact that finding suitable coverage is an expensive proposition these days. When they are paying so much money, they want to opt for that policy which provides the best protection to their car.

In a Nutshell

The drivers in Dubai want to opt for a car insurance policy that provides better coverage rather than a policy that is nothing but cheap in price. They prefer quality over cost so as to save themselves from paying thousands of dirhams on getting their beloved luxurious cars repaired.

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