Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance P.S.C.

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Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance P.S.C. is insurance and reinsurance products provider in the United Arab Emirates. The company basically operates in two segments - Investments and Underwriting. Some of the insurance services that Dubai National Insurance Company offers are - motor fleet insurance, roadside assistance, third-party liability, deterioration of electronics and stocks, group medical insurance, personal accident insurance, etc.

The company is a Public Shareholding company and is based out in Dubai. It was founded in the year 1991 and follows the guidelines of Federal Law 6 of 2007. With various other achievements, Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance P.S.C. is one of the first companies to be listed in the Dubai Financial Market (DFM).

Why Buy Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Plans?

The conservative approach of underwriting has shown regular growth both in the underwriting and insurance sectors of the company. The receptive nature of Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance has helped it to be the best insurance providers in the insurance market of UAE. Further, the organization is backed by some of the leading international reinsurance companies like SCOR, Munich Re, and Swiss Re. With modern insurance solutions, the company is able to make lasting relations with its clients for more than 25 years. In this way, one can consider this insurance provider as ‘One Stop Shop’ for purchasing various types of insurances.

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance P.S.C. Products Portfolio

Plan Name

Online Availability


Motor Fleet Insurance


Group medical insurance




General Accidents








Motor Insurance



Medical Insurance


travel insurance


Commercial Plans:

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance offers an extensive range of insurance policies to match the needs of various commercial entities. The commercial plans of this insurance provider also have specific insurance products as per the nature and requirements of the business of the customer. The insurance policies covered under commercial plans are mentioned below:

Motor Fleet Insurance:

Insurance coverage for vehicles is one of the vital things and Dubai National Insurance provides various options for the same. The insurance policies provided under this plan are suitable for businesses that have large fleets of commercial vehicles including buses, trucks, vans, etc. Additionally, a group of vehicles having 6 or more vehicles qualifies for the fleet policy. The motor insurance policies covered under this plan are:

Motor Fleet Insurance Policies:

  • Comprehensive - Full Coverage: Under the comprehensive plan, an insured is covered against own damages and liability caused because of damage to third-party. This as well provides emergency medical cover up to the limit of AED 1000. The covers of this plan can be extended for including personal accidents of passengers and drivers, which is referred to as PAB cover. Additionally, this policy provides 24hrs roadside assistance with the help of IMC. However, roadside assistance is provided only in cases of accident and car breakdown.
  • Third-Party Liability Protection: This plan protects an insured’s vehicle from the liabilities against third-parties. These liabilities can be damage or bodily injury to third-party by the insured’s vehicle(s).
  • Roadside Assistance: Despite the type of vehicle insurance one has, roadside assistance is always provided as an add-on. According to this coverage, emergency assistance to the driver is provided in the events when the driver is not able to move or stuck on the roadside. In the situations when road-side assistance is needed, a vehicle is towed as well as mechanical help is provided to the driver.
  • Group Medical Insurance: The group medical insurance policy of Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance has a vast range of products. Under these medical policies, an employee as well as his/her family members, are protected against illness and other medical expenses. The worldwide coverage with HAAD compliance for Abu Dhabi and specifically for Al Ain is offered. Further, maternity benefits, psychiatry, dental with different limits according to the needs of the customer are also catered to. The group medical policies provided under this plan are:

Group Medical Insurances Policies:

Regional and Local



UAE, South East Asia, Arab Countries and the Middle East

  • Provides the employees and the dependents of the employees with all the required regional covers.
  • These plans are for those groups who seek economical medical plans.
  • Worldwide emergency cover excluding Canada and the USA.
  • Covers each member maximum up to a sum insured of AED 500,000.
  • Both direct and network billing are available in home countries.
  • Feature to customize plan as per the requirement of the user.  

UAE and South East Asia (SEA)

UAE & Home Country (SEA)

Worldwide Plans


  • Provides the employees and their dependents with a cover that is valid worldwide.
  • Elaborated network cover.
  • Provides coverage for each member up to an insured sum of AED 2.5 million.
  • Provision to customize the policy as per the requirement.

Worldwide Ex. US & Canada

Medical Evacuation Products

  • It is a supplementary option that provides emergency medical evacuation in case of injury or illness.
  • Travel assistance in case of an emergency like translation service, medical referrals, lost a passport or other travel documents assistance, etc.
  • Assistance is given to return the mortal remains and minor children return.
  • Assistance is given in cases of lost luggage and trip interruption.


This insurance policy of Dubai National Insurance is for contractors, sub-contractors, and principals who undertake all kinds of civil construction work. According to this plan, an insured gets financial protection against damage or loss to the construction work such as problems with construction equipment and plant, temporary structure, etc. Additionally, it covers legal claims in respect of third-party damage or bodily death or injury arising during maintenance/ construction of the project. The sub-categories covered under this policy are:

Engineering Insurance Policies:

  • Construction / Erection All risks
  • Boiler Pressure Vessels
  • Contractor’s Plant and Machinery
  • Machinery Breakdown
  • Deterioration of Stocks
  • Business Interruption
  • Electronic Equipment

General Accident:

Moving money physically has been a matter of concern and to protect one against such situations, this policy is created. Here, the term money is not only used for cash, but it is used generically for bank drafts, postal orders, treasury notes, postal stamps, currency notes, and money orders as well. The types of plans covered under this policy are:

General Accident Policies:

  • Money Insurance
  • Fidelity Guarantee
  • Jewelers Block
  • Bankers Blanket Bond
  • Group Personal Accident
  • Event Cancellation and Abandonment


The liability policy covers various legal liabilities towards the third-parties arising because of any business activity inside the premises of the insured’s office. This insurance policy is beneficial for the organizations that have employees who are defined under the Labor Law of the UAE.

Liability Insurance Policies:

  • Workmen Compensation
  • Employer’s Liability
  • Public Liability
  • Product Liability
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Medical malpractice
  • Director’s & Officer’s Liabilities
  • Haulier’s Liability

Marine Insurance:

To cover the goods that are imported or exported from any part of the world (excluding some zones) to the UAE or vice-versa by land, sea, or air against most of the risks.

Marine Insurance Policies:

  • Marine cargo
  • Inland transit
  • Marine hull

Property Insurance:

This insurance policy is to provide cover to commercial properties like buildings, plants, machinery, etc. against various risks. Some of the risks that are covered under this policy are fire, aircraft damage, lightning, etc.

Property Insurance Policies:

  • Property all risks insurance
  • Fire and special perils
  • Fire and lightning
  • Business interruption

Personal Insurance:

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance provides an array of personal insurance policies to meet the requirements of most of the individuals of UAE. The extensive range of insurance products covered under this policy is:

Motor Insurance:

To cover the vehicle of an insured against accident resulting in loss or damage to the third party. This loss or damage can be damage to the property of the third-party or bodily injury. Dubai National Car Insurance offers the following policies:

Motor Insurance Policies:

  • Auto care scheme
  • Third party cover

Medical Insurance:

To protect an individual against various medical expenses caused due to illness or other consequential medical expenditure, this insurance policy is made. The various different medical plans according to regions are made in a way that they meet the requirements of an insured.

Medical Insurance Policies:

Regional and Local



UAE and the Middle East, and South East Asia (SEA), including the Indian Sub-Continent

  • Worldwide medical coverage to an individual and his/her dependents.
  • Option to customize the policy.
  • Provides cover for every member for up to a sum insured of AED 750,000

UAE and the Middle East, SEA including Indian Sub-Continent

Worldwide Plans


  • Provides coverage to an individuals and his/her dependents specific to a region.
  • Direct billing is available in home countries.
  • Provides coverage for each and every member up to AED 1.5 million.
  • Option to customize the policy as per the requirement.

Worldwide Ex. USA & Canada

Travel Insurance:

Though traveling gives break from a monotonous lifestyle, a trip to a foreign land also comes with some risks such as sudden illness, loss, or theft. Therefore, to protect an individual against all such issues that he/she may face in abroad, travel insurance policies are made. The travel insurance policy of Dubai Nation Insurance and Reinsurance provides a wide range of cover against various unexpected expenses that may arise while traveling.


Provides cover against hospitalization expenses, baggage loss, and various other incidental expenses that may come while traveling.

  • Global assistance feature.
  • Trip cancellation is also covered.
  • Different packages to meet the needs of an individual.

Travel Insurance Policies:

  • Secure
  • Safe
  • Family
  • Schengen
  • Oasis

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4.6 / 5
(based on 25,576 reviews)

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