Credit cards are of immense use these days. They allow you to borrow money from a bank and return it on a specific date. Finance House credit card is very beneficial as it comes with various advantages. One such advantage is that it provides a variety of options to make your Finance House credit card bill payment easily.
UAEFTS is a fund transfer system facilitated and regulated by the Central Bank of the UAE. This system enables fund transfers from one bank account to the other using Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility. As the system is managed by the Central Bank itself, you can imagine how secure it will be when it comes to making transactions. There are plenty of exchange houses where you can utilise UAEFTS to make your Finance House credit card bill payment. These are some of the exchange houses where you can pay your credit card bill:
You will not have to pay any additional amount as a payment fee to proceed with the payment. However, it may take up to 2 days for the payment to reflect in your account.
UAEFTS is considered very safe when it comes to transactions, which make it a reliable source to make Finance House credit card bill payments. Here are some other benefits of using this platform:
Finance House services always thrive to provide smooth and secured transactions to their clients. They offer two modes of payment, i.e. online and offline in order to make your Finance House credit card bill payment.
If you want to pay your credit card bill via an offline method, you can visit the banks listed below:
You can visit any of the nearest branches of these banks and make your Finance House credit card bill payment.
Finance House Credit Card Payment by cheque
One of the ways to make your Finance House credit card bill payment offline is via cheque. To pay using a cheque, follow these steps:
Finance House Credit Card Payment by cash
Paying via cash can be the easiest way to make your Finance House credit card bill payment. As soon as you pay the bill, it will reflect immediately in your bank account. There are various branches throughout the UAE that accept cash. You are required to deposit the cash at the CCM machine.
You can use online services to make your Finance House credit card bill payments. It will save your energy and time. The online payment service allows you to pay the bill at any time of the day regardless of the working hours. The online payment methods offer quick and hassle-free transactions. These are some of the methods by which you can pay your Finance House credit card bill:
Finance House Credit Card Payment by Internet Banking
Finance house allows you to make your credit card bill payment using another bank’s internet banking portal. Some of these banks are ADCB, Citibank, FAB, Habib Bank, Ajman Bank, ADIB, United Arab Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, etc.
Given below are the steps to follow if you want to make your credit card bill payment using this service:
Money transfer from a different bank
You can make your Finance House credit card bill payment via money transfer from a different bank account. You just have to deposit the money from your bank account to the Finance House credit card account via various banks like ADCB, FAB, Mashreq, Standard Chartered Bank, etc.
To begin with the transfer, you have to add Finance House as your recipient and fill in the rest of the details and transfer the money. Once the transfer is made, it is suggested that you wait for 3 working days for the payment to reflect in your Finance House credit card account.
Finance House Credit Card Payment by Direct Debit
Many people often forget to pay their credit card bills before the due date. This is understandable as their busy schedule does not allow them to remember it. This mistake can lead to additional late fee charges and a reduction in your credit Score as well. Finance House provides a Direct Debit authorisation facility to counter this issue. When you enable this facility, a specific amount will be deducted from your account by the bank every month. You will authorise the bank to deduct this amount to make your Finance House credit card bill payment each month without your permission. You will have to make sure that you have a sufficient balance in your account before the due date. If not, then the bank will not be able to deduct the money and pay your credit card bill, and you will have to pay the bill all by yourself. If you repeat the same mistake and forget to make your credit card bill payment, then you will be charged late bill payment fees.
If you want to get started with this service, you will have to visit the Finance House website and fill the Direct Debit form. Note that after you have filled the form, this service will start from the next billing cycle.
You are not directly allowed to make Finance House credit card bill payments from a different bank’s credit card. You have to follow different methods to enjoy this facility. There are two such methods, namely Money Withdrawal and Balance Transfer.
In this method, you are allowed to withdraw cash from your any other bank’s credit card and then make your credit card bill payment. You just need to withdraw some cash from the ATM and visit the nearest Finance House branch to pay your credit card bill. This procedure is fast and easy when it comes to making your credit card bill payments.
The balance transfer service is offered by only some of the banks in the UAE. Not all users can access this service. You can utilise this service to transfer the balance on your Finance House credit card to another bank’s card and can repay it later.
Though there are a few options available to make Finance House credit card payments through another credit card, you should not use this method unless it is your only option. If you select this payment mode, all you need to do is transfer your debt from one card to the other. Your debt remains in your credit record and you will need to make the payment in future. Since the debt will reflect in your report, it may hamper your credit score in the long run.
However, if you are low on a monthly budget, you can pay through other methods as mentioned above.
While we will not be able to assist you in making your Finance House credit card bill payment, we can help you in finding a credit card with a balance transfer facility so that you can transfer your Finance House credit card bill amount to another credit card and repay the amount later.
There are several credit cards with a balance transfer facility in the UAE. However, it can become overwhelming to find the right credit card that not only serves the purpose of Finance House credit card bill payment but also meets your other requirements. To find the most suitable credit cards, you can visit our credit card webpage. You can also compare the attributes of various credit cards to determine which credit card is the most suitable one for you.