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The weight loss calculator is an instrument that analyses the calorie intake of an individual. It helps you to understand and measure the amount of food you must have every day in order to stay adequately nourished and healthy. It is almost impossible to calculate calories in your daily food intake without the help of a calculator. Let’s begin with understanding what are calories and how do we calculate them.

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The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.

Calorie – The Definition

A calorie is a unit of energy that our food supplies. Almost every food item you eat or liquid you consume contains a specific number of calories. Calories are categorised into two major parts - A large calorie and a small calorie. The calorie intake of every individual, starting from infants to adults, depends on various parameters such as age, sex, health condition, height, regular physical activities performed, etc.

The Importance of Measuring Calorie Intake

Determining your food calorie intake regularly can keep you healthy and fit. It ensures that you are getting the right amount of food needed for your body. Moreover, taking these precautions can prevent you from developing any long term diseases. For instance, diabetes, obesity, and other heart related issues. In addition, for those who are overweight, measuring the calories can stabilise their body weight and help reduce extra body fat. Apart from all these, tracking your daily calories also promotes a healthy lifestyle for those who are underweight. You will get to know the right amount of food to be taken as per your health status.

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Method of Calculating Calorie Intake

The value of calorie intake varies from country to country. Moreover, the technique of analysing the calorie intake is different. But there are two ways used to calculate the same. To know more, go through the following-

(1) Harris-Benedict Formula: To compute the calorie intake with the help of Harris- Benedict formula, one needs to provide its gender, age, body height and weight, and the status of physical activity. Most nutritionists follow this method. Although the equation is the same, the numerical values differ for both men and women.

For men: 66.5 + (13.8 * weight in kgs) + (5.003 * height in cms) – (6.75 * age)

For women: 655.1 + (9.563 * weight in kg) + (1.850 * height in cem) – (4.676 * age)

To determine your calorie intake, simply multiply your BMR with corresponding activity level. 

  1. Sedentary lifestyle = BMR * 1.2
  2. Light activity = BMR * 1.375
  3. Moderately active = BMR * 1.55
  4. Very active = BMR * 1.725

(2) WHO Formula

The World Health Organization does not use the Harris-Benedict formula, instead it has its own  

For women: (1.20 * BMI) + (0.23 * Age) – 5.4

For men: (1.20 * BMI) + (0.23 * Age) – 16.2

How Many Calories Can You Consume?

As we mentioned earlier, determining how many calories you should consume depends on various factors — your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. As a thumb rule, calorie intake should be sufficient to meet the body's energy requirements for basic functions like breathing, circulation, and digestion, as well as any additional energy required for physical activity. 

Consuming too few calories can lead to fatigue and nutrient deficiencies — consuming too many can result in weight gain. For this reason, it's essential to find a balance that supports overall health and well-being.

This can be easily A calorie calculator can provide an estimate of daily caloric needs based on individual factors. 

How to Calculate Calories?

To calculate calorie intake, you need to check the energy content of the foods and beverages that you consume throughout the day. 

Important: Each macronutrient — carbohydrates, proteins, and fats — contains a specific number of calories per gram. While calculating your calorie intake, you need to add these calories as well. 

Here’s what the process looks like — 

  • Identify the macronutrient content of each food item that you consume. For this, refer to nutrition labels or online resources.
  • Add all the calories of the food items. 
  • Multiply the grams of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the food by their respective calorie values.
  • Now add the total calories from all macronutrients consumed to obtain your current total calorie intake for the day.

How to Use a Calorie Calculator?

Having understood what our current calorie intake looks like, let’s understand how we can use the calorie calculator on to find our daily caloric needs —

  • Enter personal details: Provide details such as your age, gender, weight, and height.
  • Activity level: Select the activity level that best reflects your daily routine, ranging from ‘sedentary’ to ‘very active’. 
  • Receive results: Once you enter all these details, the calculator will generate an estimate of your daily caloric needs.

This figure will show the amount of calories that you can consume to maintain your current weight. 

  • Adjust as needed: Use the provided calorie estimate as a guideline to manage your diet and exercise regimen. Monitor changes in weight and energy levels to adjust calorie intake accordingly.

The Calorie Deficit Calculator

The term calorie deficit is described as the energy required by one’s body to keep up the current weight but excluding the dietary calorie. To measure it, calorie deficit calculator is used.

TDEE Calculator

A TDEE calculator estimates a person’s Total Daily Energy Expenditure. The measuring asset indicates the total energy consumed by an individual in a day. In order to accurately determine the TDEE, the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), thermic effect of food, and the activity level of a person is a pre-requisite.

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Weight Loss Calorie Calculator in the UAE

The Ministry of Health and Prevention UAE provides an online calorie calculator through which you can determine your calorie intake. Visit its official website - Under ‘More’ section, you will find the calorie calculation option. In the space given, type in your weight, height, age, and gender. After that, select the activity level and hit calculate button.

To calculate the BMR, i.e., the Basal Metabolic Rate, opt for the following methods -

For a Woman: 10* weight (in kg) + 6.25*height (in cm) – 5*age (in years) – 161

For a Man: 10* weight (in kg) + 6.25*height (in cm) – 5*age (in years) + 5

Follow the below-mentioned steps for measuring your daily calorie intake requirement-

  • If you are involved in little or no exercise (sedentary)- BMR*1.2
  • If you play sports or do exercise 1-3 days a week- BMR*1.375
  • If you are involved in physical activities like sports and exercise for 3-5 days a week- BMR*1.55
  • If you are physically active or you’re involved in sports and exercise, i.e., for 6-7 days a week- BMR*1.725
  • If you are completely into sports, exercise and working hard, like 2x training-BMR*1.9.

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What does the term ‘Thermic Effect of Food" mean? Is it important for calculating calories?

The amount of energy needed to digest, absorb, and dispose of waste is called Thermic Effect of Food. It plays a fundamental role in calculating the calorie intake of a person. 

What are empty calories?

Empty calorie foods are the ones that provide energy but almost zero or no nutritional value. According to health experts, solid fats and artificial sweeteners contribute towards empty calories. 

What is the difference between a small calorie and a large calorie?

Small calorie: It signifies the amount needed to increase 1 gram of water temperature by 1 degree Celsius.

Large Calorie: Also known as kilocalorie, it is the amount of energy required to increase 1kg of water by 1 degree Celsius.

Can a weight loss calculator help in maintaining a healthy diet?

Yes, calorie calculators measure your dietary intake and provide you an accurate result about your daily food intake requirement. Once you start following the same routine every day, you will be able to evaluate the result.

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