DIC - Silver Premium

DIC Silver Premium ensures health insurance coverage for families, encompassing a wide range of medical services such as maternity care, outpatient/inpatient services, diagnostics costs etc. DIC offers flexibility and customizable features to tailor-fit your families’ needs and your budget.





AED 1 million Health cover starting @4/Day

Select members you want to insure
Me and Family
Just Family
Domestic Workers
Best Price Guaranteed
Worldwide Coverage
21+ Insurers to Select From
Claim Assistance
Worldwide Coverage
Wide Choices
Expert Advice
Plan Summary
Plan NameSilver Premium
Cover AmountAED 1,000,000
Pharmacy LimitUpto AED 1,000,000

DIC - Silver Premium Details

Maternity Cover
Normal delivery and caesarean section expenses are covered up to AED 10,000
Waiting Period
Maternity Waiting Period
Maternity Waiting Period - 40 days
Chronic Condition Waiting Period
New chronic condition will be covered from Day One
Pre-existing diseases (PED)
Covered only if declared on additional payment
Hospital Access
Direct access to hospital
Coverage Type
Clinic + Hospital Access
Out-Patient Services
New Born Cover
As per DHA benefit guidelines.
Laboratory Tests
Covered with 0% co-pay per invoiceCovered with 10% co-pay per invoiceCovered with 20% co-pay per invoice
Physiotherapy Treatment
Physiotherapy( Subject to Prior Approval) :-Covered up to 15 sessions/ Per member Per year - 20% Co-payment
Covered with pre-authorization only – Co payment 20% applicable 'Reimbursement* - Additional 20% co-payment applicable over free access *No reimbursement for Silk Road NW inside UAE.
Alternative Medicine
Covered up to AED 1,600/- PMPY
Vaccinations (Adults)
Covered both on Free Access & reimbursement basis
Physician Consultation
Covered with Co-pay of 20% max 50 per consultation
In-Patient Services
New Born Cover
Babies born inside and out-side UAE - New born expenses are covered from Date of Birth under the mother’s card for the first 30days from date of birth upto Annual Benefit Limit of mother. New born babies will be added to the principle policy only if requested by the policy holder and is subject to Medical underwriting. Coverage for new born are in line with DHA benefit guidelines.
Room Type
Private Room
Ambulance Service
Covered ((in Medical Emergency only and if followed by admission)
Emergency Treatment
100% of Actual Covered Cost
Pre-existing conditions
All pre-existing medical conditions should be declared in the Medical Application Form and is subject to medical underwriting. All medical underwritten conditions will have no waiting period. All declared Pre-existing and Chronic conditions are covered with a sub limit of AED 150,000/- Undeclared pre-existing conditions will not be covered during the policy period and will be underwritten at renewal. All adverse findings on health declarations would be priced on each case basis. In case of misrepresentation insurer reserves the right to cancel the policy.
Parent Accommodation for child under 18 years
For children upto 16 Years of Age - Covered maximum up to 100 AED per night
Repatriation costs for the transport of mortal remains to the country of origin
Covered up to AED 7,500/-
Pre-Existing and Chronic Conditions
All declared Pre-existing and Chronic conditions are covered with a sub limit of AED 150,000
MEDNET Silver Premium
Essential Vaccines & Preventive Services
As per DHA guidelines Covered once per annum on direct billing at designated clinics only. (For Dubai members)
Diagnostics (X-RAY, MRI, CT-SCAN)
Covered with 10% co-pay per invoiceCovered with 20% co-pay per invoiceCovered with 0% co-pay per invoice
Not Covered
Alternative medicine
Covered on reimbursement up to AED 1600
Dental and gum treatment
Hearing and Vision Aid
Covered only in cases of medical emergencies
Physiotherapy Treatment
Covered up to 15 sessions per member per year
Region Coverage

DIC - Silver Premium Added Network Hospitals

No Network Hospital is available at this Location.