Watania Takaful - Dependent Enhanced 3

Your family's health is paramount, and Watania Takaful Dependent Enhanced 3 offers the ideal health insurance coverage to prove it. This Watania Takaful Dependent Enhanced 3 includes a plethora of medical services, such as maternity care, critical illness cover, dental and gum treatment, hearing and vision aids, and more. You can also make changes in your plan by including riders/ add-ons to make it more beneficial for your family. ...read more




AED 1 million Health cover starting @4/Day

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Me and Family
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Plan Summary
Plan NameDependent Enhanced 3
Cover AmountAED 150,000
Pharmacy LimitUpto AED 2,500

Watania Takaful - Dependent Enhanced 3 Details

Maternity Cover
Waiting Period - This is the time span during which you cannot claim specified benefits from the insurer
6 months( any pregnancy, which arises within 6 months from policy inception will be at the discretion of the insurer)
Out-patient Maternity Services
Requires prior approval from the insurance company.Covered with 10% co-takaful up to a maximum of 10 visits for low risk primiparas or 8 visits for multiparas10% co-payment payable by the Policy Holder. 8 Check-ups + 3 ante-natal ultrasound scans are covered at the Primary Health Care Centre. (All Care provided by Primary Health care obstetrician for low risk or specialist obstetrician for high risk referrals.)
In-patient Maternity Services
Maximum benefit AED 7,000 per normal delivery, AED 10,000 for medically necessary C-section, complications and for medically necessary termination (All limits include co-payment).10% co-payment payable by the insured.
New Born Cover
Cover from 30 days from birth BCD, Hepatitis B and neo-natal screening test.
Waiting Period
Maternity Waiting Period
Maternity Waiting Period -6 months
Chronic Condition Waiting Period
Chronic Condition Waiting Period - 6 Months
Pre-existing diseases (PED)
Covered only if declared on additional payment
Hospital Access
Referral procedure to be followed:- Customer has to visit GP, after GP refers then customer can visit the specialist in clinics.
Dental and Gum Treatment
20% co-payment.
In case of emergency only.
Hearing and Vision Aids
20% co-payment.
In case of emergency only.
Coverage Type
Clinic Only
Out-Patient Services
Co-Payment - This is what you'll pay your health provider when claiming with this policy
20% (Max AED 25). (Services are provided in authorized out-patient clinics of hospitals, clinics and health centers)
In-Patient Services
Co-Payment - This is what you'll pay your health provider when claiming with this policy for hospitalization
Nil co-payment.
Room Type
Semi-Private Room
Ambulance Service
Ground transportation services in the UAE provided by an authorized party for medical emergencies.
Companion Accomodation
Maximum AED 150 per night. (The cost of accomodating a person accompanying an insured child up to the age of 16 years.)Maximum AED 150 per night. (The cost of accommodation of a person accompanying an in-patient in the same room in case of medical necessity at the recommendation of the treating doctor and after the prior approval of the insurance company providing coverage.)
Territorial Scope Of Coverage
UAE (except Abu Dhabi & AlAin) and extended to ISCInsurance Coverage is only for Dubai visa holders.
Pre-Existing and Chronic Conditions
Waiting Period
6 Months (Treatment for chronic and pre-existing conditions excluded for first 6 months of first scheme membership. After 6 months covered to the annual policy limit subject to declaration)
Other Services
Laboratory Tests
Nil co-payment.
Radiology diagnostic
Nil co-payment.
Physiotherapy Treatment
Maximum 6 sessions per year.Prior approval of the insurance company is required.Nil co-payment.
Test, diagnosis, treatments related to surgeries in hospitals
Prior approval required from the insurance compay / TPA.
Emergency Treatment
Approval required from the insurance company within 24 hours of admission to the authorized hospital.
Healthcare services for emergency cases
Prior approval required from the insurance company (Prior approval required from the insurance company Where a pre-existing or chronic condition develops into an emergency within the 6-month exclusion preriod this must be covered up to the annual aggregate limit.)
10% co-payment (co-payment by the insured in respect of each and every prescription.)
AED 2,500 Annually
No cover for drugs and medicines in excess of the annual limit. Restricted to a list of formulary products where available at the physician and the pharmacist.
Essential Vaccines & Preventive Services

Watania Takaful - Dependent Enhanced 3 Added Network Hospitals

No Network Hospital is available at this Location.

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