It is almost inevitable for your car to incur damages over time. A lot of time could be spent in network garages of your insurance company if your car happens to get damaged. It can be very difficult to go about your normal life when cars are undergoing repairs for people who are highly dependent on private vehicles. This is why most insurance companies offer the replacement car cover benefit along with basic car insurance. Offering a temporary solution to your transportation problems, replacement car covers are designed to fill the gaps when your own car is not available for use. Let’s cover everything that you ought to know about the replacement car cover in car insurance plans.
Replacement cars are essentially temporary cars offered by the car insurance company to replace your own car when it is undergoing repairs. The replacement car is often subject to the availability of spare vehicles at the garage where your car is being repaired. Replacement cars are only offered when you get your car repaired from a network garage of the insurance company. Getting your repairs done from an independent garage will not activate your replacement car cover. Some insurance providers may even offer replacement car cover when you get your car repaired from a local garage. However, the repair technician should be approved by the insurance company. This is completely up to the individual company’s policies and conditions.
Most exclusive comprehensive car insurance plans come with replacement car insurance cover as a basic benefit. The less expensive versions of these plans may have an option to include the courtesy car cover as an add-on. But it is rather common to find courtesy car cover as a basic benefit in car insurance plans in the UAE. Of course, this is applicable on a case-by-case basis for each provider and the subsequent plans they provide. The best way to make sure if the plan includes a courtesy car cover is by going through the benefits. You will not have to dive too deep into policy wordings, though. This benefit is always listed among the main covers included.
Yes. Generally, for car insurance plans that do not include replacement car cover as a basic benefit, policyholders can get it as an add-on. This depends on the provider and the available plans. Not all car insurance plans will come with this option. On top of that, you can only get a replacement car cover add-on if you have a comprehensive car insurance plan. Third-party liability car insurance cannot be combined with add-ons. Some extremely rare cases may allow policyholders to get replacement car cover with third-party car insurance plans. However, the possibility of this happening is very slim.
When you are involved in an accident where you are at fault, your car insurance company bears the expenses of your own car damage repairs. While your car is undergoing repairs, you can apply to get a courtesy car if your insurance plan includes it as a basic benefit or if you have taken it as an add-on. The insurance company will then offer you a spare car available at a network garage to use for the time being while your car is being repaired. This car may also come with a sticker of the network garage. On the other hand, if you are involved in an accident where the third party was at fault, you can claim to get a replacement car from the third-party insurance company. Your insurance provider may offer the necessary assistance for the same but will not cover the replacement car benefit in this case. You can only get a courtesy car from your insurance provider if you are at fault in an accident.
Replacement car covers and hired car covers are two different kinds of covers, both of which offer a temporary travel arrangement for the policyholder. The key difference here will be the type of car you receive. Hire car cover allows you to get the car you want – make, model, etc. On the other hand, in a replacement car cover, you receive a car that is available at the garage. This means when you have a specific requirement from the replacement vehicle you get from the insurance company, hired car cover becomes a better option for you. Hired car cover comes with a lot more flexibility as compared to the replacement car benefit. You are likely to get a car that is similar in size of your car and has the same features.
Your car insurance plan will not offer a replacement car in case any of the following conditions apply:
Replacement car cover becomes a rather important benefit to have in your car insurance plan when you are highly dependent on a private mode of transportation. However, make sure that you are well aware of all the different terms and conditions that apply to your replacement car cover benefit. It can be a drag if you find yourself stuck in a non-negotiable situation when in need of a replacement car. Make sure you understand your needs as well. If you use your car for work-related purposes and require a vehicle of the same kind as a replacement, go with a hired car cover instead. Evaluate your needs in time to make sure you end up with the correct level of car insurance coverage.
Ans: Insurance providers establish contracts with one or more roadside assistance agencies. These agencies become your point of contact when you, as a policyholder, require roadside assistance. You simply need to use the helpline number provided by the insurance company as a roadside assistance helpline to get connected to the service provider. Your policy number will be used for verification purposes, and after that, the services will be offered.
Ans: Almost all top providers offer roadside assistance cover in the UAE. Most of them include it as a basic benefit in their car insurance plans. Others offer it as an add-on to be taken with comprehensive car insurance plans.
Ans: No, you can only buy your roadside assistance cover with either a fully comprehensive car insurance plan or own damage cover. Since third-party liability covers do not cover the policyholder’s personal damages, add-ons are not available to be taken with them. In some rare cases, roadside assistance can be a part of the third-party car insurance plan’s basic benefits. But that completely depends on the provider.
Ans: Yes, many health insurance plans set a limit on the maximum vehicle age to get roadside assistance cover. This limit is generally set at around 5 years but can differ for each provider.
Ans: Roadside assistance cover is one of the few add-ons that can be bought at a nominal fee. The charges of the cover may differ as per the providers, though.
Ans: No, fortunately, calling for roadside assistance services covered by your car insurance plan in the UAE will not affect your no-claim bonus. It stays intact without any future repercussions.
Ans: Yes, most roadside assistance covers offer unlocking cars as a basic service when you have lost the keys or locked them inside the car.
Ans: Yes, roadside assistance cover can be bought for both two-wheelers and four-wheelers if your insurance provider offers it.
Ans: If you have had your car for some time now, roadside assistance cover can turn out to be a lifesaver for you. It will save you towing costs as well as help with small breakdown services like changing the tyre. It is worthwhile to opt for a roadside assistance cover if your car is now old and susceptible to breakdown more often than not.