Here's How You Can Negotiate with an Insurance Company

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The trail of life is extremely uncertain and none of us are aware of the fact that what might show up the very next moment. This is why most of us opt for insurance plans to reduce the extent of damage in case of an unforeseen event. Followed by any accident, suppose a car collision it is extremely important to file a claim at the earliest to receive compensation for the losses incurred.  

The objective of filing an insurance claim is to receive compensation for the losses incurred in case of an event. However, according to customers and insurance experts filing a claim might turn out to be your worst nightmare, because it is often notoriously frustrating.  

In order to ensure that you don’t get stuck in the frustration of filing an insurance claim, we’ve come up with a new blog! In this thread, we will shed light on how can you negotiate with an insurance company while filing a claim. This blog is a step by step guide where we will decode various nuances of the process along with unique tips and tricks that will help you get the job done conveniently.  

Claim Adjuster

Once you are done with filing the insurance claim under your term insurance plan, your policy details will be assigned to a claim adjuster. Technically, it is the claim adjuster that processes and carries out the majority of work in the overall process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the claim adjustor to contact you and inform you about the post-claim formalities for the settlement. In other words, it can also be said that the claim adjuster will be your point of contact while settling the claim for your term insurance policy.  

In most of the cases claim adjustor will contact you and inquire about the set of events that took place prior to filing the claim to assess that whether the losses incurred are covered under the term insurance plan. If the claim adjustor finds out that the losses were covered under the insurance policy, they will proceed further will the settlement process. In the following steps, the claim adjustor investigates the claim on the basis of documents and facts and the process might take several days to weeks.  

An important point to be kept in consideration is that claim adjustors represent the insurance provider and therefore they might hastily attempt to save as much money as they can. This is where you need to be cautious and aware, by collecting all the documents related to the events to present them in the form of proof. 


Based on the reports and information provided by the claim adjustor the insurance provider will propose an initial amount for settlement. In several cases, the settlement amount is lower than what the claimant was expecting. Now, this is where the element of negotiation comes into the picture, as you can negotiate with the insurance provider over the settlement amount. 

The overall negotiation process of the term insurance claim involves several layers of two-way communication between the claimant and the insurance provider. The strategy of negotiation revolves around proving that the losses stated in the report are less than the actual losses incurred. The process is complex and might be frustrating for individuals that are filing their first claim. Here’s a rundown on the steps of negotiating a settlement- 

Assessing the Minimum Amount of Settlement

The most crucial part of the entire process of negotiating a settlement is evaluating how much your claim is actually worth? Now we are talking about factual details that can be proved with documentation. Your losses based on the term insurance policy might include the cost of medical bills, damage of property, cost of disability to work temporarily or permanently, etc. 

Evaluating the actual value of the losses incurred is the key to a successful negotiation while settling a claim. Remember, you should not be hesitant at all while rejecting the initial amount offered by the insurance company.  

Depicting the Severity of the Events

In order to successfully negotiating the claim settlement, it is important to depict the severity of the events. The insurance company and the claim adjustor will try their level best to pay you less than the actual losses but it is your responsibility to emphasize the severity of the accidents so that your claim can be negotiated on your side successfully. The best approach is to support your claims with relevant documents such as medical bills, photographs, videos, etc. With the correct evidence, it will almost become impossible for the claim adjustor and insurance provider to lower the amount.  

Do Not Fall Prey to any Traps 

The insurance company and the claim adjustor will lay several traps in your way, by making your guilt or primarily responsible for the losses. It is important, to be honest, and cooperative with the insurance company and the claim adjustor but do not accept any fault that you haven’t made. In case the claim adjustor/ provider manages to accuse of causing the losses or finding some evidence then it will be difficult for you to negotiate the claim.


If everything goes smoothly, the settlement amount is suitable for both i.e. the insurance company and the claimant. Once you agree with the amount verbally quoted by the claim adjustor it is vital to get that in underwriting to get things rock solid. The secret tip here is to remain claim, patient, and co-operative. 

In a Nutshell

The process of negotiating a claim settlement is complex and time-taking but, with these easy to go steps, you can manage to successfully negotiate a term insurance claim. In case you are new to the insurance world, you can seek help from professionals that provide a comprehensive range of services for various clients. 

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