Credit cards make transactions quite straightforward, not to mention their rewards, privileges, and more. With your credit card in the UAE, you can conveniently make purchases, pay bills, and manage your finances efficiently. You can also enhance your experience of spending with benefits like rewards programs and other exclusive privileges.
To get the best credit card in UAE, however, you will need to meet a few eligibility requirements such as minimum salary criteria. Let’s check if it is possible to get a credit card in UAE on 2500 salary.
No, you cannot get a credit card with a monthly salary below AED 2,500. This is because the required minimum salary for credit card in UAE is AED 5,000 per month.
In the following section, we have enlisted some of the top credit cards available for those with a salary of AED 5,000 or more.
Check out the top 5 credit cards that you can get with a monthly salary of AED 5,000 here —
As we saw earlier, a credit card for 2500 AED salary is not available in the UAE. However, even if your salary is AED 5,000 or above, you must meet other eligibility requirements to get a credit card. Here are the general requirements to apply for a credit card in UAE —
Even though a UAE credit card minimum salary 2500 is not available at any banks, you can get a card with AED 5,000 salary. To verify your salary, banks require you to submit a few documents along with other identification documents.
Here is a set of documents required to process your credit card application in the UAE —
Note: Other documents may be required as per the requirement of the concerned bank
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Ans: Yes, doing so may decrease your credit score and indicate that you are a risky borrower.
Ans: Banks and other financial institutions can take up to 7-10 business days to approve a credit card application.
Ans: No, in order to apply for a credit card, you must have a salary of at least AED 5,000.