Investing Your Pension Pot as an Expat in the UAE

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Whether you are in your early thirties or close to your retirement age it is always important to assess your savings for your retirement. In the rush of living our lives to the fullest during economically productive years of our lives, a lot of us tend to lose focus on accumulating a source of steady income to spend our twilight years with peace. 

The population of the UAE comprises 90% expats which makes it one of the most popular career destinations globally. Countries like the UK provide state-approved pension for expats however, the UAE has no provision for such pension plans for residing expats in the country. Therefore expats living and working in the UAE need to add a private or work provided pension to live comfortably as an expat. 

Assessing your financial requirements after retirement can be a tricky task. Moreover, with dynamic exchange rates, a pension plan from your country of origin might not be sufficient to fund you during your retirement years in another jurisdiction. Considering currency fluctuations is an important factor while investing your pension pot as a residing expat in the UAE.

Outlining a proper budget based on your current lifestyle will help you analyze how much money you would exactly need during your retirement years. The budget should include all your expenses along with some luxuries like a vacation annually, watching a movie every month, dining out once every couple of months, etc. 

If you are planning your retirement or working hard to reach your goals here’s why you should start investing your pension pot in the UAE. 

Improving the Quality of your Life

The foremost benefit of investing your pension pot is that during your retired years you’ll have enough money to live peacefully. Whether you want to travel the world or spend time alone pursuing your hobbies investments in Dubai in the form of pension plans make them possible for you.

With an adequate amount of money in your bank account, you would have a steady flow of income which will allow you to spend the rest of your life without worrying about financial security. Pension pot will take care of all your financial needs like paying bills, healthcare, paying debts, etc. ensuring that you live to the fullest.

Think about it most of us work hard to make ends meet all our lives and while entering your old age one should not struggle financially.  

Healthcare and Insurance Coverage

Investment in Dubai for pension pot not only improves the overall quality of life but also provides necessary healthcare services when required. Countries like the UK, Canada, and Denmark offer universal health care services which cover citizens as well as the expats that are residing in the country.

A life insurance plan safeguards your loved ones in case of any unfortunate event. Insurance coverage in the UAE entitles the nominees of the policyholder to avail death benefit on the demise of the policyholder. A pension or retirement plan often comes with additional life coverage to ensure that your loved ones do not struggle for their needs when you’re not around to look after them.

Funeral and Burial Expenses

Most of us try to live and spend our lives with dignity and self-respect. We take care of our financial needs and manage our expenses. However, a potential expense that is left very often is funeral or burial expenses. By investment in Dubai for a pension pot, you can save money for a proper funeral or burial so that you maintain your dignity and self-respect forever.


Investments in Dubai for pension pot can help you to spend your old age just the way you want to. A retirement or pension plan is one the best investment in UAE for expats that reduces stress and provides financial security for the investor in Dubai and their loved ones.

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