MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus

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MetLife, a renowned global provider of insurance and employee benefit programs, provides multiple life and investment plans to cater to the various needs of people. MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan stands out, especially in light of rising critical illness rates. 

This plan provides a crucial safety net, which provides financial support for treatment and lost income due to critical illnesses. To know the specifics of the plan, take a look at the write-up. 

What is the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan?

The MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan is an life insurance product designed to offer financial support during some of life's most challenging times. As a form of MetLife critical care insurance, this plan is tailored to provide assistance when a covered critical illness is diagnosed. The plan offers a lump sum payment, which can be used to cover medical expenses, compensate for lost income, or any other financial needs that arise during illness.

Here's what you need to know about this MetLife policy —

  • This plan covers a comprehensive list of critical illnesses. It includes major health conditions such as various types of cancer, heart conditions, and neurological disorders. The wide-ranging MetLife critical illness list ensures that policyholders are covered for numerous potential health challenges.
  • The MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan comes with broad coverage.  You can pick how much coverage you want and when to pay — every year, every six months, every three months, or every month​.
  • Affordability is one of the most noteworthy features of the plan. It starts at USD 23 a month for coverage of up to USD 50,000. It also covers your husband or wife and kids. You can change how much coverage you have.

Why Should You Choose the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan?

Let’s take a look at some reasons to opt for MetLife Critical Illness Care Insurance -

  1. Rising Critical Illness Rates in UAE: In the UAE, critical illnesses like cancer and heart disease are increasing. As per studies, 1 in 5 men and 1 in 8 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. The average age for heart attacks or strokes is 45, which is younger than the global average. 

With this plan, one can be financially protected against these growing health risks​.

  1. Financial Impact of Illness: Critical illnesses often lead to high costs that regular insurance doesn't cover. This includes unpaid sick leave, co-pay, deductibles, out-of-network care, treatment abroad, and reaching annual limits of medical insurance. MetLife's plan addresses these financial burdens​.
  2. Tiered Benefits for Various Illnesses: The plan has different levels of benefits for different critical illnesses. For example, for MetLife critical illness cancer coverage, the plan pays 100% — for other conditions, the payment varies​.
  3. Worldwide Coverage: The plan covers you all over the world. This makes it a good choice if you travel or move to another country. 
  4. Family Coverage: The plan also helps your husband or wife and kids. If they face any listed critical illnesses, each child gets USD 20,000 or AED 70,000, for up to 5 kids. This means your whole family is protected under one plan​.
  5. Coverage Adjustment Options: You can increase or decrease your coverage as needed. This flexibility allows you to adapt your policy to changing life circumstances.
  6. Simplified Premium Payment: You can choose to pay your premiums annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly, which provides flexibility in managing your finances.
  7. Peace of Mind: Above all, the plan provides peace of mind, knowing that you and your family have financial support during difficult times of illness.

How Does the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan Work?

Let's consider a detailed example with Abdul, a 50-year-old man, and his spouse, who is 40 years old. Both are non-smokers and decide to opt for MetLife's Critical Illness Care Plus Plan for a term of 20 years, with a coverage amount (face amount) of USD 100,000 each.

Initial Steps

  1. Using the Premium Calculator: Abdul first uses an online premium calculator to assess the premium amount. This tool helps him understand the cost of the policy based on their ages, smoking status, term length, and coverage amount.
  2. Annual Premium: The calculator estimates that the annual premium for their policy will be USD 1,813.35. This amount is manageable for Abdul, considering the comprehensive coverage offered by the plan.
  3. Policy Purchase: After evaluating their financial situation, Abdul decides to proceed. He completes the necessary documentation and pays the annual premium of USD 1,813.35.

The Policy Turns Out to Be a Lifesaver

  1. Diagnosis of a Critical Illness: A few years into the policy, Abdul is unfortunately diagnosed with a critical illness. This diagnosis is not only emotionally challenging but also brings significant financial strain due to treatment costs and potential loss of income.
  2. Filing a Claim: Abdul files a claim under the Critical Illness Care Plus Plan. He submits all required medical documents and the claim form to MetLife.
  3. Claim Approval and Payout: MetLife processes his claim efficiently. Given that his illness is covered under the plan, the claim is approved. Abdul receives a lump sum payout of USD 100,000 as per the policy terms.
  4. Financial Relief: The payout provides significant financial relief to Abdul and his family. It helps cover medical expenses, supports his family during his recovery period, and mitigates the impact of lost income.
  5. Continued Coverage for Spouse: The policy continues to provide coverage for Abdul's spouse, ensuring that she too has financial protection in case of any unforeseen critical illness.

MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan Inclusions 

The MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan provides comprehensive coverage for a range of critical illnesses for both the insured individual and their spouse. The following table outlines the specific conditions covered under the plan, categorised into various tiers based on the severity and type of illness. Each category and tier specifies the conditions covered and the corresponding amount payable. 

Covered Critical Illnesses (Insured and Spouse)



Critical Illness Conditions

Amount Payable


Tier 1

Cancer - advanced



Tier 2

Cancer - excluding specified early-stage cancers



Tier 3

Cancer - early-stage cancers

25% (capped at AED 100,000 or equivalent)


Tier 1

Heart Condition - significantly impaired heart function



Heart Attack - significantly impaired heart function



Tier 2

Angioplasty - triple vessel






Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery



Heart Attack - with specified clinical evidence



Heart Surgery - open heart surgery



Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension



Tier 3

Angioplasty - single or double vessel

25% (capped at AED 50,000 or equivalent)


Heart Valve Surgery - keyhole procedure

25% (capped at AED 50,000 or equivalent)


Tier 1

Neurological Condition - permanent neurological deficit



Tier 2

Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease



Motor Neurone Disease



Multiple Sclerosis



Muscular Dystrophy



Parkinson's Disease



Stroke - with persisting clinical symptoms



Tier 3

Bacterial Meningitis or Viral Encephalitis

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


Benign Brain Tumour

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


Hydrocephalus - requiring surgery

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)

Vital Organ and Digestive System Disorders

Tier 1

Vital Organ or Digestive System Disorder - end stage



Tier 2

Lung Removal - excluding donors



Tier 3

Aplastic Anaemia

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


Crohn's Disease - severe

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


Diabetes - insulin dependent

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


Ulcerative Colitis - severe

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)

Disability Conditions and Accidental

Tier 1




Loss of Independence



Loss of Use of Limb - two or more limbs



Tier 2

Burns - full thickness






Tier 3

Blindness - partial loss

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)


HIV Infection - acquired medically, at work, or from an assault



Loss of Use of Limb - single limb

25% (capped at AED 250,000 or equivalent)

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Covered Critical Illnesses (Children)

The covered critical illnesses for children include advanced and early-stage cancers, significant heart conditions, neurological conditions, vital organ and digestive system disorders, and disability conditions. The MetLife critical care illnesses list and tiers are similar to those covered for the insured and spouse.

Exclusions of the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan

When considering the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan, it's crucial to be aware of the exclusions, i.e. conditions or situations where the policy does not provide coverage. 

Mentioned below are the main exclusions —

  1. Suicide: The plan does not cover cases related to suicide.
  2. War and Terrorist Acts: Any illness or condition resulting from war or terrorist activities is not covered.
  3. Pre-existing Conditions: Illnesses or conditions that existed before the commencement of the policy are excluded.
  4. Hazardous Sports and Activities: The policy does not cover illnesses or injuries resulting from participation in hazardous sports or risky activities.
  5. Residence in Sanctioned Countries: If the insured resides in any country that is under international sanctions, the plan does not provide coverage. As of September 2022, this list includes the Crimea region, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Syria, although this is subject to change.
  6. Non-Disclosure: Any critical illness claim arising from conditions or facts not disclosed at the time of policy application can be excluded.
  7. Specific Limitations: Certain specific limitations or conditions as outlined in the policy document.

It's essential to read the policy document thoroughly for complete coverage conditions and exclusions. If there's a discrepancy between what's mentioned in the policy and other sources, the policy document takes precedence.

Eligibility Criteria for MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan

Understanding the eligibility criteria of the plan is important for those looking into MetLife critical illness insurance review and MetLife critical illness review, as it helps in assessing how this plan fits in your personal insurance portfolio. 

The following table provides a detailed breakdown of the eligibility criteria for the plan —



Policy Term (Years)

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35

Eligible Ages for Insured/Spouse

Varies with Policy Term:

  • 5 years: 21 - 70 years
  • 10 years: 21 - 65 years
  • 15 years: 21 - 60 years
  • 20 years: 21 - 55 years
  • 25 years: 21 - 50 years
  • 30 years: 21 - 45 years
  • 35 years: 21 - 40 years
  • Up to age 75 years: 21-39 years

Children Age Range

0 - 20 years

Documents Required for the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan

Generally, the following stack of documents is required to apply for this plan —

  1. Application Form: Completed and signed by the applicant
  2. Proof of Identity: Such as a passport or national ID card.
  3. Proof of Age: Typically a birth certificate or passport
  4. Proof of Address: Utility bill, rental agreement, or similar documents
  5. Medical Records: If applicable, detailing any pre-existing conditions
  6. Income Proof: Documents showing the applicant's income level
  7. Bank Details: For premium payments or receiving benefits
  8. Spouse and Children's Details: If opting for family coverage

These documents are standard requirements for most insurance plans, and similar documents are likely to be needed for the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan. However, for the most accurate and detailed information, you can contact the customer support of Policybazaar UAE. 

MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan Coverage Amount & Premium

The following table highlights the minimum and maximum coverage limits along with the premium payment frequencies and their respective minimum premiums —



Minimum Coverage

USD 50,000  - AED 200,000

Maximum Coverage

USD 2,000,000 - AED 7,000,000

Dependent's Coverage

USD 20,000 - AED 70,000

Policy Fee

USD 55  - AED 205

Premium Payment Modes

Annually, Semi-Annually, Quarterly, and Monthly

Minimum Premium (Annual)

USD 250 - AED 918

Minimum Premium (Semi-annual)

USD 130- AED 477

Minimum Premium (Quarterly)

USD 68 - AED 248

Minimum Premium (Monthly)

USD 23 - AED 83

Cancellation and Renewability of the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan

Cancellation Policy

The MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan has specific conditions for cancellation. After the free-look period, the policy becomes non-cancellable. This means that once you have passed the initial period where you could cancel the policy without penalty, you are committed to the policy terms. 

It's important to thoroughly review and understand the policy during the free-look period to ensure that it meets your needs.

Renewability, Expiry, and Termination

  • Renewable up to age 75: You can renew the policy until you are 75 years old. This provides long-term coverage and security.
  • Expiration: The policy expires at the policy anniversary immediately following the selected term of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 years, or immediately after the 75th birthday if the term up to age 75 is selected.
  • Dependent's coverage: Coverage for dependents terminates on the policy anniversary following their 21st birthday, upon the termination of coverage of the insured and their spouse, or after 5 claims for Dependents — whichever is earliest.
  • Guaranteed Renewal: The policy offers guaranteed renewal without a medical examination.
  • Premium rates: As the premium rates are subject to change, it's important to stay informed about any changes.
  • Policy Continuation: The policy continues as long as either the insured's or spouse's benefit remains active and only terminates when both become inactive.
  • Termination: The policy automatically terminates if any premium remains unpaid at the end of the grace period, on the policy anniversary following the selected term, upon the death of the Insured and the Spouse, or when the ‘Lump Sum’ has been paid for both Insured & Spouse.

Reinstatement of Policy

  • Time frame: Reinstatement is allowed within one year from the premium due date.
  • Requirements: A written application for reinstatement, satisfactory long health form or medical examination (if required due to age and/or sum assured), evidence of insurability satisfactory to the Company, and payment of the applicable premium at the time of reinstatement.
  • New Terms: The new elimination period of 90 days and pre-existing conditions exclusion will commence from the reinstatement date.
  • Limitation: Reinstatement will not be allowed after one year from the premium due date, and lapsed policies will be reinstated with a new effective date.

Claim Process for MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan

In the following section, we will walk through each step of the claim process of MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan —

  1. Notification of Illness: As soon as a critical illness is diagnosed, notify MetLife about the condition.
  2. Claim Form Submission: Obtain and fill out the claim form from MetLife. This form requires detailed information about the diagnosed illness and the insured individual.
  3. Gather Required Documents: Collect all the necessary documents, such as medical reports, diagnosis certificates, and any other relevant medical documentation that supports your claim.
  4. Submit the Claim and Documents: Submit the completed claim form along with all required documents to MetLife. This can typically be done via mail, email, or in person at a MetLife office.
  5. Claim Assessment: After submission, MetLife will assess the claim. This process involves verification of the documents and the claim form details.
  6. Communication of Decision: MetLife will communicate the decision regarding the claim. If additional information is required, they will contact you.
  7. Claim Payout: If the claim is approved, MetLife will process the payout as per the policy terms. The payment is usually made directly to the insured individual or the nominee.

Important Considerations

  • Timely Notification: Promptly notifying MetLife about the illness is crucial. Delays can impact the claim process.
  • Accuracy of Information: Make sure that all the information provided in the claim form is accurate and complete.
  • Understanding Policy Terms: Be aware of your policy's specific terms and conditions as these will affect the claim process and payout.
  • Keeping Records: Keep copies of all submitted documents and correspondence with MetLife Insurance for your records.

Note: For additional assistance with the claim process, you can reach out to the customer support team of We can assist you in understanding the specific requirements of your claim so that all the necessary documentation can be completed and submitted correctly. Our experienced team can also answer any questions you might have and provide advice on how to expedite the claim process. 

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan —

What is the minimum entry age for MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan?

The minimum entry age for the plan is 21 years.

Can children be covered under this plan?

Yes, children from age 0 to 20 years can be covered under this plan.

Is there a maximum coverage limit for the MetLife Critical Illness Care Plus Plan?

Yes, the maximum coverage limit is USD 2,000,000 or AED 7,000,000.

Is the plan available for non-residents of the Gulf region?

The plan continues even after the insured becomes a non-resident of the Gulf, although exclusions will apply for sanctioned and high-risk countries.

What are the premium payment modes available?

Premiums can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly.

Is there a free-look period for this policy?

Yes, there is a free-look period, although the applicant will have to verify the specific duration with the provider.

Can the policy be reinstated after lapse?

Yes, reinstatement is allowed within one year from the premium due date, subject to certain conditions.

Is a medical examination required for policy renewal?

No, policy coverage renewal is guaranteed without a medical examination.

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