Low-interest credit cards are ideal if you want to manage your finances more effectively, as these cards are specifically designed to reduce the cost of borrowing. You get lower interest rates on outstanding balances, which makes them ideal for carrying forward balances.
On top of these benefits, many low-interest cards in the UAE also come with additional perks such as cashback, reward points, and flexible repayment options.
Let’s look into the top low interest credit card in the UAE offered by FAB —
Type of Benefit | Features/ Benefits |
Low Interest Benefits |
Protection Benefits |
Lifestyle Benefits |
*Applicable till 31st Dec, 2024
Credit Card Interest Calculator |
Given below are the eligibility criteria for the low-rate credit card offered by FAB —
Eligibility Type | Requirements |
Age | Minimum — 21 Years |
Minimum Salary Criteria | AED 10,000 per month |
Nationality | UAE nationals or expat |
Note: Additional eligibility may apply
To apply for these cards, you may have to submit a few documents —
Note: Additional documents may be required