Meeting an Accident When You Don’t Have a Car Insurance

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Accidents are unfortunate no matter what. There is a possibility of physical injuries and not to mention the exceptional damages that your precious car. But thanks to car insurance plans, you get the peace of mind and satisfaction that your damages will be financially covered if something unfortunate happens. However, the situation can take a turn for the worst. Not having car insurance in UAE can land you with legal problems with the police. But worse than that, meeting a car accident and not having an insurance plan to cover your damage can land you in huge financial trouble. Let’s see what happens if such a situation arises and what steps can you take to handle everything.

What Happens When You Do Not Have Car Insurance?

First off, it is mandatory to have car insurance in the UAE if you want to drive your car. Not having a valid car insurance plan when driving the car can land you in serious trouble. You will face a fine of AED 500 if the traffic police catch you driving without valid car insurance in the UAE. On top of that, you will get four black points on your driving license and will probably have your car confiscated by the police for seven days. Having black points on your license can then further affect car insurance prices for you when you set out to buy the plan later.

Meeting a Car Accident Without Car Insurance in the UAE

Apart from facing strict penalties for not having an insurance plan for the vehicle that you are driving, meeting a car accident without insurance can bring several other problems to the table. The amount of trouble you will land into will depend majorly on whether you are at fault for the accident. Depending on your fault, you can face severe financial expenses and some legal charges from the third party as well. Let’s dive deeper into this scenario:

When You Are Not at Fault in Case of a Collision

The most you will have to face in this scenario is the legal penalty imposed by the police for not having car insurance in the UAE when driving. In case the other driver is at fault, their insurance company will cover for your vehicular damages and injuries. But, since you do not have a valid insurance plan, the authorities can impose limitations on the amount or percentage of expenses for the third party to cover. This means that you may after all end up bearing some expenses for the loss in the end, even when you were not at fault for the accident.

You may have to bear all these expenses in full if the other driver does not have insurance either or it is a collision case with no third-party involvement. If the accident is of a moderate level, there can be some vehicular damages for you to take care of and some medical expenses to treat the injuries. Although, if the accident is severe and there is a lot of damage incurred by the car, you can go through some serious financial crisis by bearing the repair expenses. And, if you are travelling with passengers, you may become liable to pay for their treatment along with yours. And quality healthcare combined with emergency treatment can add up to become a huge bill for you.

When You are at Fault

The situation can be far worse if you are found to be at fault for an accident when you do not have car insurance in the UAE. First, you will be responsible for all third-party liability expenses that the other driver proposes. You will have to settle the medical bills for the treatment of anyone injured in the accident along with repair expenses for the third-party vehicle. If there are any damages incurred by your car, you will have to cover them as well.

If you don’t happen to have enough savings to cover all third-party expenses, the case will transfer to a court and the judge may arrange a way for you to make the complete payment in instalments. Either way, you will be responsible to pay the complete amount for the damage repairs and treatment costs. Along with that, the penalty that police impose for not having proper car insurance in the UAE will also be there. Being at fault in a big can even lead to license confiscation and further charges, as the court of law decides.

What Happens if The Other Uninsured Driver is at Fault?

Another possible scenario that you can face related to this topic is – meeting an accident with an uninsured third party. If the other driver aka the third party is at fault but the driver-owner of the car does not have an insurance plan, your insurance company will bear the expenses of damage repair and treatment initially. The same set-up can be arranged with the third party, later on, to pay the said damage repair expenses over time.

What Comes Next?

Not having car insurance in the UAE isn’t something that’s encourages. However, you can always choose to make a wiser decision as to the next step. Once you are through with the formalities of the claim and accident investigation, quickly conduct some research and pick an insurance plan. You may have to pay up a lot depending on your fault and the level of the damage. Finding car insurance in the UAE can solve most future problems for you. So, the very first thing you need to do here is to find good car insurance in the UAE for your beloved car and save yourself from any further problems.


Accidents can be traumatic – physically, mentally as well as financially. Not having a proper car insurance plan in the UAE can worsen these traumas. So, make sure that you have valid, comprehensive or at least third-party liability car insurance in the UAE before you take your car for a spin. If you missed the car insurance renewal date and the policy expired, as a result, take your time and buy a new one instead of driving the car without one. Paying a small monthly premium for your car insurance in the UAE can help you save a fortune in the event of an accident. So, choose wisely and save yourself from rather unpleasant experiences.

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