Do you have an existing personal loan and plan to make extra payments to complete the repayment at the earliest? It may or may not be a wise decision!
Making early and extra payments on a personal loan significantly reduces your debt burden and saves you money in interest. In fact, by paying off your loan faster, you minimise the total interest paid over the loan term, leading to substantial savings.
With this proactive approach, you can enhance your financial health. However, keep in mind that there may be certain drawbacks to making extra payments.
Let’s first see the benefits that you can unlock by making extra payments towards your personal loan -
While you can enjoy plenty of benefits with early repayment, it’s worth mentioning that early and extra payment may lead to some disadvantages as well -
Ultimately, the decision of whether to make extra payments towards your personal loan involves considering the benefits and drawbacks. While early payments can save on interest and reduce debt faster, they might also incur prepayment penalties and affect your liquidity.
Consider your financial goals, the loan terms, and your overall budget before making a decision. Maintaining a balance between reducing debt and financial flexibility is the key!
By: Mousree Das