Safety Tips to Keep your Children Safe while Driving

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Within the past decade, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of vehicles on the street as a result of which there has been a rise in the number of road accidents as well. Very often auto accidents are a primary cause of disability, injury, and even fatalities in children and adults. Keeping the young and delicate anatomy of bodies of children they are at much high risk of getting severely injured in comparison to adults.  

According to statistics, out of all the children that died in car accidents, the majority were ill-equipped on safety parameters which contributed extensively to the demise. If you are worried about your child’s safety this quick read might help you safeguard them against the strokes of uncertainties. 

In order to ensure that your child is safe whilst on the back seat of your car, we’ve come up with a new blog. In this thread, we will shed light on some important safety tips that will help you to keep your children safe while driving. But before we go ahead and talk about these safety tips it is important to be aware of the fact that it is mandatory by law in the UAE to have a valid car insurance plan. Before purchasing make sure you compare car insurance online to get the right deal at the right price. 

Using Right Safety Measures

The first thing on this list is using appropriate safety measures. This might not appear as a major trick but trust me this is probably the most important on this list. There are a plethora of safety seats and devices that are available in the market. However, the most important point to be kept in consideration is that using these safety mechanisms and seats in the wrong way can increase the risk of injuries and fatalities. 

It is extremely vital to ensure that these mechanisms are installed and strapped correctly over your child to avoid any damage. Furthermore, it is also important to research correctly how these seats work and how to assemble them in your vehicle. Some of the most common safety seats based on the age of your child are as follows- 



Birth- two years of age

Rear-facing infant car seat

Two to five years of age

Forward-facing child seat

Five years- 57inches of height

Booster seat

57 inches of height or above


Always make use of the user manual to refer to the instructions of using and setting-up safety seats correctly for your child in the car. Children under the age of 13 should never be seated in the front seat as it is against the safety norms. 

Avoid Distractions

One of the primary reasons for road accidents is distractions. As a responsible driver, it is your duty to pay attention and stay focused while driving. Never use cell-phone even in a wireless setting as it poses a high risk of distraction that might end up in an accident. Do not drink, eat, or smoke while driving as these activities divert your attention from driving which can be potentially dangerous. Refrain from driving under the influence of alcohol or medicines that cause drowsiness.  

Use Power Windows Cautiously

Most of the modern-day cars with the feature of locking windows while driving, this ensures optimum safety as your child cannot open the windows or door as they are locked. Cars these days are equipped with powerful safety windows that generate enough strength to strangle your child or break bones if their head is hanging out of the window. Always teach your kids not to play with windows and exercise regulatory control over the power windows to avoid any trouble. 

Keep an Eye on your Child

Last but not least keeping an eye on your child in the car is one of the most important points in the list. There have been incidents in the past where children have died due to heat-strokes after remaining in dangerously hot vehicles for prolonged periods. No matter, how urgent it is to make a rule never leave your child unattended in the car. Even if you are going to another side of the road ensure your child is with a responsible adult. 

In a Nutshell

With these safety hacks, you can ensure the safety of your children. In order to stay on the right side of the law compare car insurance online and get the right insurance plan that will cover you against unforeseen events. 

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