Top 10 Ways to Find a Lost Life Insurance Policy in the UAE

Each year, many life insurance policies remain unclaimed. Usually, people misplace their policy documents or are not even aware that they are the beneficiaries. Finding a lost life policy can be a challenging process, particularly for family members if their loved ones pass away.

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If you are wondering how to find your life insurance policy or the details of the deceased person’s policy, this article is here to help you. We have created a simple roadmap to help you navigate the process of effectively recovering your lost life insurance policy, while addressing common questions about the process.

Effective Ways to Find Your Lost Life Insurance Policy 

Here are some effective ways to track down a lost life insurance policy in the UAE:

1. Contact the Insurance Provider

If you are searching for how to find my life insurance policy, then you must contact your insurance provider. 

This process also applies in case you are trying to locate the policy of your deceased loved one. If you remember the name of the insurance company, reach out to them directly and get the details of the policy. 

Be prepared to share details about your relationship with the policyholder, such as relationship proof, identification, and any policy-related details, and they can search their database to locate the policy.


2. Search for Physical Documents

Many people often store policy documents along with other important documents. Make sure to check through stored paperwork at home, in a bank safe, or even with family members who might have kept a copy with them. 

You can also look for policy schedules, payment receipts, or correspondence from the insurance company. 


3. Check Email Accounts

Insurance companies in the UAE often send policy-related documents/information via email. If you are trying to locate the policy of your loved one, consider checking their email. Look for keywords like policy, premium, name of the insurer, or other related terms.


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4. Bank Statements and Transactions

You can review the bank account statement of the deceased person for any premium payments or transactions to insurers. This can also help you in finding the name of the insurance provider and policy details. So, you can directly approach the insurer. 


5. Employer or Group Insurance Plans

Many companies in the UAE provide life insurance as part of their employee benefits. It is likely that your loved ones have registered in the plan. You can check with the HR department to verify if the individual was enrolled in a group insurance plan and then obtain the policy information. 


6. Reach Out to Financial Advisors

It’s also possible that financial advisors or consultants in the UAE may have records of your/deceased person's lost policy they recommended or handled for you. You can check with them and get the details of the insurance. 


7. Check with the Insurance Agent

Another helpful step is to contact the insurance agent from whom your loved ones purchased their policy. They can assist you in providing the necessary policy details. 


8. Check Online Government Database

Don’t know how to find out if someone has life insurance? Try searching through government databases or public records. It can be possible that the person has brought the insurance from nationally renowned insurance providers. 


9. Use Online Policy Finders

There are many online policy finder tools in the UAE that you can use to access the information of your lost policy. Usually, these tools are free of cost and available on insurance companies' websites. 


10. Wait for the Insurer to Contact You 

Typically after the policyholder passes away, the insurance company will reach out to the beneficiary. Therefore, you shouldn't be worried if you don't have any information about your loved one’s policy. 

Simply wait for the insurance company to contact you and provide you the sum assured as per the policy terms if you are listed as a beneficiary.

Who Can Request Lost Life Insurance Policy Information? 

In the UAE, a stranger cannot access anyone’s life insurance policy. It can typically be requested by the policyholder or a legally authorised representative. 

However, beneficiaries, executors, or next of kin can also inquire, provided they submit proof of their relationship to the policyholder. The requestor may need legal authorisation in certain cases, particularly if the policyholder is deceased.

What Documents Do You Need to Find a Life Insurance Policy? 

Here are the details and documents you should have while finding the lost life insurance policy: 

  • Name and contact details of the policyholder 
  • Emirates ID or passport of the policyholder
  • Proof of relationship (if you're not the policyholder)
  • Birth date and death date of policyholder
  • Death certificate (in case the policyholder is deceased)
  • Evidence of previous payments (bank statements, receipts)
  • Last residence proof or last residence address of the policyholder

Having these documents handy can significantly speed up the process of finding a life insurance policy in the UAE.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens if I lose my policy document?

If you lose your policy document, immediately contact the insurer. However, it won’t affect the coverage, but at the time of the claim, you may face challenges.

2. Can I search for a lost policy online in the UAE?

Yes, some insurers and brokers in the UAE offer online tools to search for policies. Additionally, there are many authorities in the UAE that can assist you in tracing policies via official portals.

3. How to find my life insurance policy?

There are many ways to find your life insurance policy, such as contacting your insurance provider or agent, checking your bank statements, email, important documents, and more.

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