Understanding Insurance Needs at Different Stages of Life

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We all are aware of the fact that insurance plans are vital for the financial security of one’s family and loved ones. These plans offer financial cushioning at different stages of life providing a sense of security even when the sole breadwinner of the family is not around to look after the financial needs.

When we are young, healthy, active and economically productive we usually do not lay emphasis on purchasing a life insurance plan since we think we don’t need it and it will only add to expenses that can be saved. The only reason that might make you think of purchasing a life or term insurance is protection against accidents that might lead to disability or even demise in the worst-case scenario.

However, in the later stages of life with increasing age, depleting and economical productivity we gradually start realizing the importance of term insurance plans. The trail of life is uncertain and goes through a plethora of ups and downs. None of us are aware of the fact, what life holds for us the very next moment. Therefore, in order to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe against strokes of uncertainties, it is crucial to get a term insurance plan.

The best part is that one can purchase a life/term insurance plan at any stage of life. To make sure you choose the right insurance plan in accordance with your age, we’ve come up with various exemplary situations that will provide a better understanding.

The Early Twenties

This stage is probably one of the best phases of life as you have minimal liabilities which allows you to make use of your potential to the fullest. The stage usually marks the beginning of your professional career which eventually frames your future. The primary objective of purchasing a term insurance policy at this stage should be saving money. Yes! You’ve read that right. We all are aware of the fact that the payable premium of insurance plans are based on the age of the applicant. The younger and healthier the applicant is lower is the payable premium.

Youngsters in this stage of life lay minimal emphasis on financial planning which is not the correct approach to build a financially safe and secure for them and their loved ones. The earlier one plans to start planning better it is for their financial future. Hence purchasing term insurance at this stage of life will give you a kick start on the path of personal finance planning along with considerable savings.

The Thirties

This stage of life marks the beginning and progression of liabilities and responsibilities. People usually get married and have kids in the middle of thirties which exponentially increase the need for finances to efficiently manage the expenses. Very often people switch jobs in the pursuit of better remuneration which sometimes leads to a mid-life crisis. In such a scenario situations might take a brutal turn if you are the sole breadwinner of the family.

Any unfortunate event that involves you indirectly causes a huge impact over your loved ones as you are the only source and they are completely dependent on you for their financial needs. Buying term insurance at this stage of life will ensure that your family has the required financial cushioning to counter such unfortunate events and their impacts on day to day life when you are not around. A plethora of term insurance plans come with income guarantee that makes sure that there is a steady flow of income which eventually takes care of the financial needs of your family saving them from distress. Moreover, auxiliary add-on riders enhance and amplify the protection quotient of these basic term insurance plans protecting your loved ones from a variety of situations.

The Forties

This stage of life is probably the one where you put in your maximum effort with all your strength to accomplish and achieve the maximum of your goals. People are overburdened with obligations, responsibilities leading to stress. Your body starts drifting from young to old age and starts giving you different signs. Even if you’ve managed to achieve all the financial goals you push yourself to the limits in order to accumulate enough savings to spend your twilight with peace.

At this stage, one of the best decisions is to go for a whole life coverage insurance plan that covers you for the rest of your life. These plans are undoubtedly expensive in comparison to traditionally inexpensive term insurance but are guaranteed payouts which justify their costs. A life/term insurance policy not only provides financial backing but also leaves a financial legacy for your children which is a major requirement for them to accomplish their goals in life. It will fund their education, marriages, and other expenses when you won’t be around to take care of their needs.

The Late Fifties

This is the stage when you are almost done with the majority of the responsibilities and duties of life. This stage marks the ending of your responsibilities and the beginning of your retired life. Once your children are on their track it is the right time to emphasize over your health and life in the twilight years. Very often people at this stage of life indulge in introspection analyzing their decisions in the early stages of life.

People choose to live with their kids in this stage of life which sometimes leads to conflicts in opinions forcing parents to compromise with their life. The best approach to counter such scenarios is to be well-prepared financially which will ensure that you live the rest of your life the way you want to. One can secure their twilight years by purchasing term insurance plans with auxiliary critical illness add-on. This will safeguard your medical expenses allowing you to spend your retired life peacefully without making any sort of compromises.

In a Nutshell

In this thread, we’ve shared various stages of life along with the change in insurance needs. Financial protection begins with structured financial planning. In order to make sure that your loved ones are safe and secure one must plan different stages of life with the right insurance tools.

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