What are the Important Things to Know about Car Insurance in Dubai?

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*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.
It comes as no surprise that car insurance is mandatory in Dubai as specified upfront in the guidelines of UAE RTA Law. It is expected from the vehicle owners that their vehicles have been insured against unforeseen risks considering the willful deliberation and the amount of investment that come into play when making a car purchase decision. Now when the need is established, the trickiest question that most vehicle owners grapple with is- what is the best way to go about it? In this article, we have tried covering the important aspects of car insurance in Dubai.

Be a glimmering shiny new machine or a vintage beauty, every vehicle owners should abide by the rule of law that requires them to buy motor insurance for their vehicles from a trusted service provider before registering the car. Now the confusing part- how to pick a car insurance cover? Should you make do with the first one offered to you or go with the cheapest options available in the market? What are the important things to know? For the first-timers, all jargons and technical terms can seem a bit intimidating. However, finding the best car insurance in Dubai is as simple as can be.

Before starting off, a consumer should consider two things:

  • The Cover Requirement- The level of coverage required by a person can be a basis for selecting a policy by including important aspects and weeding out the unwanted ones.
  • The Cover Risk Capacity- Based on a user’s subjective preference, the level of coverage can be defined. For example, a person who assumes the probability of something ominous happening is minuscule would prefer keeping a bare minimum cover, and a cautious type will not want to leave things to chance and would compare car insurance in Dubai before buying an all-inclusive cover.

Buying car insurance can invite confusion and invoke unrestful thoughts in the minds of many people living across the world. The populace of the UAE is no exception when it comes to finding the best car insurance in Dubai, and why not when there are insurance agencies, banks, and brokers available in plenty that offer car insurance. It is expected of a customer to be prudent enough to understand the various policies from different service providers clearly to make sure that the chosen policy suits his/her requirements.

Listed below are some important things to consider before picking car insurance:

Deciding the Type of Car Insurance

Here are the two types of insurance plans offered in the UAE:

  • Comprehensive Insurance- The name ‘comprehensive’ says it all when it comes to defining this type of insurance. The person insured under this type of insurance will get covered for his/her and third party’s losses. The insurance plan is a bit extensive but it offers comprehensive coverage that always comes in handy. The scope of coverage not only just includes the protection of a vehicle against accident, fire, theft, and other malicious acts but also coverage against personal accidents should the need arise. In that case, the injured driver or passengers are covered under the scope of protection.
  • Third Party Liability Insurance- This type of insurance covers only the other vehicle and passengers in the wake of an unfortunate accident. Those customers who opt for third-party insurance plan will find that the cost of the premium is significantly lower than its counterpart considering that they will have to pay for the cost incurred on the damage of their car due to an unforeseen event. Before buying car insurance in dubai, it is completely up to the customer whether he wants to settle for comprehensive or third party cover.

Keeping Up With All The Documentation Work Is A Good Idea

It goes without saying that insurance companies are very particular about documentation work from the ground up. Even a mistake that might seem trivial can keep the applicants from getting an insurance plan. Typically, Insurers does a background verification check by asking for a set of documents as proof for identity and driving experience. These documents include:

  • Copy of the applicant’s driving license
  • Copy of the applicant’s Passport and Visa page

Copy of the vehicle’s registration card ( in case of a new vehicle insurer would ask for a copy of the proforma invoice)

Understanding How The Insurance Premium Is Calculated

Insurers take such points as the risk profile of the driver, claim history, the make, model, year and engine of the car into account for the premium calculation. We’ve listed below some factors that can dramatically affect the rate of premium. For example, a less -experienced driver will cost more to insure, which means expensive insurance if compared to a significantly mature and experienced driver.

  • A car with safety features will have a low impact on the cost of the insurance premium
  • It goes without saying that the cost of the premium for top-end and exotic sports car will be on the higher side
  • For any driver who is aged under 30, the impact will be high on the cost of the insurance premium
  • Any naive, untrained driver will certainly cost more to insure when compared to a seasoned one, and so there would be a high influence on insurance premium
  • When it comes to add-on covers, an increased impact on the insurance premium comes as no surprise- GCC coverage, Breakdown coverage, and Offroad coverage, to name a few

Taking into account this aspect will certainly help customers sort their priorities when buying car insurance in Dubai.

Claiming the Insurance Bonus

Now, this point means a lot to the existing insured customers who for some good reasons want to switch their insurance provider. This process entails that the customer should contact his/her old service provider to receive a “No Claims” Certificate. By submitting that certificate to the new service provider, the applicant can avail substantial discounts on the yearly insurance premium.  

Getting Off-Road Travel Cover is Good

Do you enjoy embarking on off-road adventures? If yes, then there’s nothing better than getting off-road travel insurance cover in Dubai. This adventure-laden city makes for a perfect off-road travel experience as evidenced by such common events such as dune bashing, Wadi bashing etc. Considering this aspect, customers should not only get covered for accidents that take place on asphalt roads but must also get off-road cover. Before they compare car insurance in Dubai to select their favorite insurer, considering this point will come in handy.

Emergency Services Are Always Good To Have

For situations that call for an emergency, prompt roadside assistance will lend strong support to the affected driver. This important point is worth considering, especially for those who plan next to buy car insurance in Dubai. In the wake of a road-side emergency such as a flat tire or empty fuel, this facility helps tackle the situation with utmost ease. The emergency number is provided on the insurance card that one could easily reach out at, for smooth roadside assistance. Noteworthy here is that some insurance companies do not come with round-the-clock support for roadside assistance, in such case, customers can compare car insurance in Dubai and choose their preferred service provider completely at their discretion.

The Final Word

Though the sudden rise of numerous service providers has created a sort of cacophonic confusion, it is still the wise way to compare car insurance in Dubai before narrowing it down to one final option, and that’s where you can take the help of online comparison sites that help you make the shrewd financial decision. By using the services of these providers, customers can easily compare the best car insurance policies. It goes without saying that buying car insurance in Dubai is as simple as can be with these policy comparison sites. All they have to do is specify their requirements about their car and, everything else will be taken care of by their respective sites.

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