Car insurance is a type of motor insurance that is designed to offer financial cover for your car in case of an accident. It is a contract established between you and the insurance company where the company agrees to take on the risk of vehicle damages and you agree to pay the company for taking on that risk in form of premiums. Car insurance contract grants you and your vehicle protection from financial losses due to damages caused to the car in an accident, theft, etc.
car insurance plans can be of two main types:
Third-Party Liability Car Insurance: This type of car insurance only covers the damages caused to the third-party vehicle in an accident where you are at fault. If the third-party claims reimbursement against the expenses they had to take on for repairs and treatment, the insurance company will cover for them so that you do have to pay out of your pocket.
Comprehensive Car Insurance: Comprehensive car insurance plans cover your vehicle from any damages caused by accidents, man-made disasters (like riots), natural disasters (like storms), theft, total loss of your car, and third-party liability expenses. Depending on your insurance company, the base benefits of comprehensive car insurance can also include personal accident cover (for your treatment expenses), off-road damages, and passenger injury cover.