Why is it a Bad idea to Let Your Car Insurance Expire?

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Well, it can feel like quite a task when it comes to organizing your life, including renewing the best car insurance in Dubai. However, while there are some tasks that you can get away with by putting them off for some days, the renewal of your best car insurance in Dubai is definitely not one of them.

It is mandatory by law to hold a car insurance policy in the UAE, which means that it is illegal to take your car on the public roads without a valid policy i.e., even if it is expired. Unfortunately, if you are just having an item listed ‘renewing car insurance’ on your to-do list is not enough if you aren’t going to move forward and get it done, because no car insurance means no driving.

However, there are way too many car owners that are just letting their car insurance policies expire with the thought that it will be okay to contact one of the car insurance companies in Dubai whenever they are ready or get the time to do so, and then later being left with a feeling of frustration when they learn that sadly that is not how all this works.

Letting your car insurance policy can quickly become a task that consumers quite a lot of time and effort. The reason behind this is that it raises quite a red flag for the car insurance companies in Dubai as they start to worry that the policyholder might have faced some sort of accident during the uninsured period and the reason behind them opting for a car insurance policy now is to file a claim.

More often than you think, the reason behind an insurance policy expiring is either absent-mindedness or a busy schedule rather than any sort of fraud. But no matter what the case is, it does trigger quite a lot of extra work for the car insurance companies in Dubai which ultimately means more hassle for the policy seekers.

When you are holding an expired insurance policy, some of the car insurance companies in Dubai will refuse to give you any quote at all. While the others will not give you one until your vehicle is entirely inspected. This requires you to spend a lot of time taking your vehicle to the insurance provider which also means you will be driving on the roads against the law without an insurance policy.

The best way to avoid this happening to you is to not leave anything to the last minute. You can set up your renewal well in advance. This will ensure that you avoid any issues while renewing the best car insurance in Dubai and will keep the process hassle-free. And the best part is that it might also save you some bucks.

However, if you are too late and your car policy has already expired, below are some things you should do right away.

Contact an Insurance Agent

You should move forward and contact your insurance agent as soon as possible. He or she would have the expertise for this matter and might be able to help you in reinstating your car policy. The longer you wait in finding car insurance companies in Dubai that are willing to insure your vehicle, the higher are the chances of you having to pay higher premiums.

Avoid Driving Till You Opt For a New Policy

Firstly, it is illegal to drive on the roads without a valid car insurance policy. Secondly, if you are driving a vehicle that is not covered you are putting yourself at risk. You never know when you have to face an accident be it minor or major, and in that case, you will have to bear the expenses for the damages caused to your own vehicle and even worse, for the third-party involved as well.

Keep the Documents Handy

First, make sure to conduct proper research and evaluate the options to decide whether you would like to switch to a new insurance plan. Once you have decided on the policy, contact the insurance provider to find out the various documents that you will need. Also, keep a copy of your previous insurance plan handy. You will also be required to have the details of your vehicle with you.

Set an Appointment for a Survey of Your Car

Due to your insurance policy being expired, the insurance provider will be sending across a person to evaluate your vehicle for any pre-existing damages before you are eligible for the policy. Make sure to set up an appointment for the same at the earliest possible to avoid any increase in charges.

This inspector will decide whether you qualify for a policy or not. If there is any major damage, you might not get insurance. If the damage is minor, the area might be excluded from the policy.

Buy the Best Car Insurance in Dubai Immediately

The inspection of the vehicle is generally valid for up to 24 hours across the many car insurance companies in Dubai, which is why it is best to purchase the best car insurance policy in Dubai as soon as your inspection is completed and you are eligible for the policy. You can opt to buy the policy online as well to reduce the effort and time involved.

The biggest downside of allowing your car insurance policy to expire is that you could end up losing the no claims discount that you have accrued over the years. This is a discount or bonus given to the policyholder for every claim-free year as a reduction in the proceeding year’s premiums.

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