It is a rule of thumb in the insurance industry to not let your car insurance lapse, even for a short period of time. Hang on tight and read on to find out the reasons, precaution, and solutions in case of a lapse in your car insurance.
Any period in which you have registered a car, but do not have car insurance is known as a lapse in car insurance. If there is a lapse in your car insurance, you are exposed as a potential high-risk to the insurance companies. This risky behavior indicates the chances of you getting into a car accident are high and automatically exposes you to higher rates when you go to buy the best car insurance in dubai.
The common reasons for a lapse in your car insurance are:
Several of the above-mentioned reasons may seem like a good reason to cancel your car insurance policy, but the consequences of this can be severe.
It is dangerous if the reason for the lapse of your car insurance is either forgetting to pay your bill or not having enough money to pay your bill. In such cases, you are at risk in case any accident occurs. The consequences you can face if you are without any car insurance Dubai even for a short period of time are:
It is advisable to look for ways and solutions that will help you avoid a lapse of your car insurance Dubai. Few measures such as borrowing money or using a credit card to make the insurance payment within the grace period, reducing coverage by contacting your agent, shopping for lower rates in the market, or listing yourself as a driver in a family member’s policy, can be taken to avoid hefty fines and charges implied on a lapsed car insurance.
There are two solutions that can help you in dealing with a lapse on your car insurance Dubai:
Once you have faced the lapse of car insurance, you should be more aware and careful that you do not make the same mistake again. Below mentioned are a few tips that will help you stay out of trouble by avoiding any future lapses in your car insurance.
On an Endnote
It is best to not leave things until the last minute and arrange the renewal of your best insurance policy in Dubai well in advance. Letting your car insurance expire is something that is very time-consuming. It not only exposes you as a risk-taker but also triggers excess work for the insurance providers, which leads to even more hassle for the customer.
When you are faced with situations that make you seem that canceling your car insurance is a good idea, always remember it is not! Not only is it illegal to drive without car insurance, but it also exposes you to unwanted problems like hefty penalties and fines and higher premium at renewal.
You should always remember the thumb rule: never let your car insurance lapse!