Make sure that you note down the below-mentioned points carefully and it also makes sense to confirm these things with your insurance service provider when you are buying the best car insurance in uae. The clauses may change from one company to another so you need to check them carefully before buying a car insurance plan from any company.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions among the common public with regards to car insurance coverage. It is to be noted that the entire responsibility of maintenance of your vehicle depends solely on you and the insurance company will not cover general maintenance or regular mechanical repairs. Only when your car is involved in an accident, you can expect to get coverage for mechanical damage. Otherwise, for every other regular maintenance, you will have the pay the bill from your pocket.
This is not entirely true and you need to understand the circumstances under which you will be eligible for compensation from the insurance company during an accidental situation. As per the regulations of the insurance authorities, coverage is mandatory when the driver dies or encounters serious injury during a motor accident. The amount paid for such damages is also clearly mentioned and you can only get to claim that much amount as compensation in the accident situation.
Most people are happy to get additional Oman coverage when they buy the best car insurance in uae. However, you need to understand that this does not give you permission in a legal way to drive your car in Oman. You need to get separate permission for this when you are traveling from other regions of UAE and your car insurance will not provide for third-party damages done in Oman. In this manner, it is very risky to use your vehicle in Oman even though you have car insurance in UAE.
It is common knowledge that having a good track record can give you further discounts on car insurance renewals. You may assume that no claim bonus is only valid for one year and this can give you a discount only for the next renewal. However, you need to understand that the best car insurance in UAE can even provide continued no claim bonus for nearly a decade. In this way, your overall discount can reach as high as 45% when you have an excellent track record for the last few years.
If you are offered a good deal from your car dealer, you should not jump into that option instantly and buy it for your car. Note that these dealers have a good association with certain companies and they will usually promote products only from such companies. For this reason, you should do your own research and then choose the best car insurance in UAE for your vehicle. There are many ways in which you can do this easily in the comfort of your home. One is - visiting the online portals that provide information about the insurance plans and getting free quotes from different companies for similar coverage. In this way, you can compare the options and prices of each policy and select the best option for your car.
This is a completely wrong assumption and you need to understand that different policies may have different features. You should understand them carefully and get the best car insurance in UAE for your vehicle. You can even customize your plans by choosing different add-on covers. However, you have to pay an additional premium for buying such additional coverage. This can increase the coverage for your vehicle and you can get to enjoy the additional benefits by choosing covers that are suited for your lifestyle.
These are some of the top things that many people get wrong while buying car insurance and they face a lot of issues later. You can avoid such problems by being aware of the intricate details of the policy. Whenever you notice that any clause is not clear to you, it makes sense to call the customer care team as they will guide you in the right direction.